Chapter 11

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  Thirty five...thirty...twenty five...twenty...fifteen...ten...five...
Those forty seconds had to be the longest forty seconds of my life, right there in that moment. Waiting patiently for the man trying to chase me down, trying to catch me and end me to die, on TV. My leg was bouncing up and down in anticipation, in nerves, waiting. The man on the screen clutched his chest and collapsed onto the floor, too many voices speaking at once to make out what anyone was saying as guards carried the dead body away. A smile tugged on my lips, I was safe, for now, until another came after me, but that was ok. It brought me time to find this second Ramiro, find his true intention and get him on my side, control him, use him to my advantage. I would also go quite, once I found him, take the time to work on a plan with the second, a fool proof plan where no matter who would come chasing after us, they would never find us. Although I knew we where safe as long as the books where not found, you can never be too careful, especially when there's two of you playing the game.

"You did it." Alex said simply.
"I had no choice, do you want me to get caught?"
"Of course not, just, a little surprised, that's all, doesn't exactly fit your usual bill."
"No, but, I had my reasons. Now where were we before we where...." My heart stopped and my eyes went wide as the screen went white with that black 'J' in the middle and the sound of a satisfied chuckle came.

"Well, Ramiro, I must say, that's not quite what I expected that's for sure. See, that James J Taylor, he was a decoy. He was a death row inmate, and he was set to die from lethal injection tomorrow anyway. But he wasn't the real me, he was a test, to try and help me work out how you're doing these killings. And, well, I can say for sure that I know you don't need to be anywhere near the victim, because, well, I'm here, and I have the place surrounded, camera's on every single person in and around the building. So, while I still don't know how you're doing this, I do know that you don't need to be near the victim, and I now understand it is highly possible, and very likely there's just one of you. So, come on, tell me, how do you do it? I will find out Ramiro, it's only a matter of time. Bye bye for now."

Me and Alex sat, staring at the screen in shock, wide eyed and in complete disbelief we had been fooled. How could have I been so stupid? Why did I not see right through this trap? I was usually so careful, vigilant. But this guy, he played the part too well, he was too believable, and I was so consumed by my want, by my need to rid of the demon on my back, I didn't think. Alex could not have warned me either, not because he wasn't allowed, which he wasn't, but because judging by his face, he was in just as much disbelief as me. Of course he'd of only seen the guys name and life span, meaning, he wouldn't have know anymore then I did, well aside the life span information.

I slammed my hand down hard on the desk, making Alex jump a little and let out a fustrated growl. "I can't believe he tricked me! He trapped me and I fell for it!"
"You're not the only one, I was fooled too." He spoke soothingly.
"He's too good! And now he know's I only need a face and name, which makes the likely hood of him finding me just that little more greater! I need to find him! I need to find out who he is before he finds me! And I need to be more careful, so much more careful, I cannot carry the book around with me. Alex, will the note still work if I just took a page, or part of a page out?"
"Ok, one, Jacky, calm down, you know you need to keep a clear head, okay?" He took my hands, pulling me up off the chair and stroked my cheek. "Secondly, yes, it will still work."
I took a deep breath, Alex's touch instantly soothing me. "Okay, well, in that case, I can hide a piece of the note, somewhere and I need to find a new hiding place for it. Somewhere away from here, so it's not found in the house. I also need to make sure, when I write the names, I change my hand writing, make it sloppier, or maybe even fancier. They can find suspects through handwriting. But then again, my hand writing is already in the book...can I remove those pages and burn them?"

Jack's Deathnote ~Jalex~Where stories live. Discover now