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Everyone was up and was heading for their classes. Y/N was hoping to be left alone about how he felt about his fame, but wasn't holding his breath.

Everyone was in the greenhouse when a plump woman came in accompanied by Gildeory Lockhart.

"It's simply a matter of knowing what you're doing. I've run into these dozens of times in my travels." Gildeory said.

He then turned his attention to the students and said, "Oh hello there. I was just assisting Professor Sprout here in doctoring the school's Whomping Willow. Now I don't want anyone here to think that I'm better at herbology than her. I just happened to have some experience with Whomping Willows and thought it could help."

He then turned his attention to Harry and Y/N and said, "Professor Sprout, can I borrow the young Potter twins?"

Y/N was shaking his head no and Harry was agreeing with him, but Lockhart ignored them and took them to the side.

Once they were apart from the rest of the students, Lockhart started with Harry.

"Harry, Harry, Harry, I do believe I gave you a bit of a swollen head. You got a taste of fame and you want more, it's natural, but you should wait until you graduate Hogwarts before you try to get more."

He then turned his attention to Y/N. "Dear Y/N, I have never met a person who didn't like fame. But you surprised me with your yelling that day at my book signing." Lockhart said.

"Even if you don't like it, you have to consider how much it can help you, parents or no, and try to consider what you would be like if you have it the other way around."

"I already did, I would be happier, and I would have my parents and my eye. Other than that, things wouldn't be as different." Y/N said.

"You may want to rethink that, because I think your parents might have been in your way." Lockhart said.

This had pushed Y/N to his limits. "Spiritus Draconis." Y/N said. He breathed in and unleashed a massive ball of air right into Lockhart, launching him out of the greenhouse.

Harry looked at his brother and saw that he was absolutely furious. He admits that he would trade his fame for his parents if given the chance, and didn't enjoy it as much as people would believe, but even he didn't expect that it was an extremely sensitive subject for Y/N.

Y/N was about to go after Lockhart, but Harry grabbed him and said, "He's not worth it Y/N."

Y/N turned to Harry and said, "You sound like Hermione just now. She told me the same thing." "Well, one of us has to be level headed." The two brothers laughed at this and went back to join the others.

Ginny began rubbing Harry's back and Hermione asked, "How did you perform a wand less spell?" "Lockhart pushed me that far." Hermione then grabbed his hand and said, "I'm sorry." "Don't worry about it, I blame him, not you."

"Today we're going to repot mandrake, who here can tell me about mandrake?" Professor Sprout said.

Hermione put her hand up and Professor Sprout picked her. "Mandrake, or Mantegora, is used to return those who have been petrified to their original state. It's also quite dangerous, the mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it."

"Excellent, 10 points to Gryffindor. Now as our mandrakes are seedings their cries won't kill you yet, but they will knock you out for several hours, with is why you have been given earmuffs for your protection. So if you will please put them on." Professor Sprout said.

Everyone placed their earmuffs on and Professor Sprout grabbed a Mandrake and pulled it out of it's pot.

The mandrake cried out and everyone covered their earmuffs with their hands as Professor Sprout put it in a new pot and gave it soil to keep it warm.

Neville fainted from the experience, and then everyone began repotting the remaining mandrakes, one of them bit Malfoy's finger because he put it too close to it's mouth. Eventually, all the mandrakes were repotted, Neville woke up, and class was dismissed.

Everyone went to the great hall where they were enjoying breakfast and Ron was attempting to fix his wand with spell-o-tape. "Say it, I'm doomed." Ron said. Harry said he was doomed.

Just then a voice said, "Hiya Harry." Once he turned to see who said it, a boy with a large camera took his picture. A flash of blinding light caught him by surprise.

Just then the boy said, "I'm Colin Crevy, I'm in Gryffindor too." "Hi Colin, nice to meet you." Harry said. "Is the film in that camera enchanted?" Ginny asked.

Colin nodded. "I get the feeling I'm going to end up practicing my new trick." Y/N said. Colin looked at him and said, "What trick, and could one of you sign my picture for me?"

Just then Malfoy appeared around a nearby corner and said, "Looks like the Potter twins are signing photos, everyone."

"Malfoy, do you stalk us just for moments like this?" Y/N said.

He looked at Y/N and said, "Why would I do that?" "Because you are jealous of them." Collin said. "Jealous, I don't need a scar or a missing eye to be special." Malfoy said.

"While Harry and I weren't signing photos, I think I can talk Hermione into signing this one for you." Y/N said.

As he says this, Y/N pulled out a picture of Malfoy getting on his hands and knees in front of Hermione.

Ron and Harry were looking at the photo and were in tears laughing. Ginny wasn't far behind.

"Oh, there's no need, Y/N, I would be more than happy to sign it. You should consider yourself lucky, Draco, I'm feeling quite generous." Hermione said in a sweet sounding voice.

Malfoy was completely red in the face from embarrassment and left by the time she was done. Ron was slapping the table and Harry and Ginny were supporting each other's weight.

Hermione smiled and said, "Here's the picture, Y/N." He took it and said, "I'm going to frame this, and the best part is that there's plenty more where that came from. I'm going to add on to our vault."

"Ron, is that your owl?" Dean said. Ron stopped laughing long enough to see Errol land head first into a bowl of food.

"Why is Errol alive?" Y/N asked, "Good question." Ron said. He then took an envelope from Errol's beak and said, "Oh no."

"Look everyone, Weasley's got himself a howler." Seamus said, "Go on Ron, I ignored one from my Grandma once, it was horrible." Neville said.

Ron opened the letter and it said, "RONALD WEASLEY" Ron accidentally dropped the letter and it formed a mouth and said, "HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR, I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED! YOUR FATHER IS NOW FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK, AND IT'S ENTIRELY YOUR FAULT! IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE, WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME!" The letter then shredded itself.

Ron looked around embarrassed. It was quite enough to hear a pen hit the floor.

He then saw Hermione's class schedule. "Why do you have a little pink heart next to every class you have with Y/N?" Ron said.

"What? I do not have a pink heart next to the classes I have with Y/N." Hermione said, looking embarrassed.

Y/N looked at it and had a simple thought, it was cute. Hermione looked at him and said, "Please don't say anything." "Why would I want to embarrass you?" Hermione gave him a smile and kissed him on the cheek.

Y/N rubbed his arm and started blushing. "Come on, we got classes." Hermione said.

Harry and Y/N Potter and the Chamber of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now