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Things turned out quite well. Lavender didn't get punished for opening the chamber thanks to Harry bringing the diary, Y/N was allowed to keep the fang, and Lavender's parents thanked them for helping their daughter.

Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Y/N were standing in front of Professor Dumbledore's desk. "You do realize that in the past few hours, the four of you have broken perhaps a dozen school rules." He said.

"Yes sir." The four said together.

"There is sufficient evidence to have the four of you expelled." He continued.

"Yes sir." They said again.

Therefore, it is only fitting that you all receive special rewards for services to the school." He told them.

They looked at each other. "Thanks sir." Ron said. Dumbledore smiled. "And now Mr. Weasley, if you would have an owl deliver these release papers to Azkaban. I believe we want our game keeper back." Dumbledore said. Ron immediately left for the owls.

"As for you, Y/N. I would like you to fill the position as the school's swordsman, this way, you won't have to hide your sword summoning abilities and our own school sword can have a wielder again." Y/N nodded and Dumbledore went to a pillar and tapped it with his wand.

The sword that appeared was a hand in a half sword with the hogwarts emblem on it. The handguard was two bars extending from the emblem and the blade itself was sheathed in a black leather sheath.

Y/N took it and drew the blade, revealing it to be dark grey with runes imbedded in the blood grove. They were similar to the ones in Y/N's Quidditch pads, but with more added to them.

"Now, if you will take this notification to Professor Mcgonagall, I believe she will need to know." Dumbledore said. Y/N left with the slip.

"Harry, first I would like to thank you, Harry. You must have showed me real loyalty down in the chamber. Nothing but that could have called Fawkes to you. And second, I since there is something troubling you, am I right?"Dumbledore asked.

"Well you see sir, in the chamber I couldn't help but notice certain things, certain similarities between Tom Riddle and me." Harry said.

"I see, well you can speak parceltounge, Harry, why? Because Lord Voldemort can speak parceltounge. If I'm not mistake, he transferred some of his powers to you, the night he gave you that scar." Dumbledore said.

"Voldemort transferred some of his powers to me?" "Not intentionally, but yes." "Then the sorting hat was right, I should be in Slytherin." "It's true Harry, you possess many of the abilities that Voldemort himself prizes. Determination, resourcefulness, and if I may say so a certain disregard for the rules."

Harry smiled a bit at that. "Why then did the sorting hat place you in Gryffindor?" Dumbledore asked. "Because I asked it to." Harry answered. "Exactly, Harry, exactly which makes you different from Voldemort. It's not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices." This came as a comforting thought.

"If you want proof why you are different from Voldemort, then I suggest you look at Miss Weasley." Dumbledore suggested. Harry looked at Ginny and realized what he meant. The soul bound.

"Remember, you know love. Voldemort does not." Dumbledore told him.

The door shot open and Lucius Malfoy barged in. Behind him, Harry and Ginny saw a familiar face. "Dobby, so this is your master. The family you serve is the Malfoys." Harry said.

Lucius looked at the timid elf with a promise of pain. "I'll deal with you later." He said to the elf. He marched up to the desk, shoving Harry and Ginny aside.

"So it's true, you have returned." He said to Dumbledore. "When the governors learned that a student has been taken to the chamber, they saw fit to summon me back." Dumbledore told him.

"Ridiculous." "Curiosity, Lucius, several of them were under the impression that you would curse their families if they did not agree to suspend me in the first place." "How dare you." "Beg your pardon."

"My sole concern has always been and will always be the welfare of this school, and of course, it's students." Lucius said looking at Harry and Ginny.

"The culprit has been identified I presume?" Lucius asked. "Oh, yes." Dumbledore said. And who was it?" He looked at Harry and Ginny for a moment, then back at Lucius. "Voldemort." He told him. "Ah." Lucius said.

"Only this time he chose to act through somebody else, by means of this." He then lifted the diary for Lucius to see. "I see." Lucius said uncomfortably.

"Fortunately, our young Mr. Potter discovered it, along with Miss. Weasley and his twin brother. One hopes that no more of Voldemort's old school things should find their way into innocent hands. The repercussions to the one responsible would be deviating." Dumbledore said.

"Well let us hope that the Potter twins will always be around to save the day." Lucius said looking at Harry. "Don't worry. We will be." Harry told him.

"Come Dobby, we're leaving." Lucius said. He then kicked the elf in the back, causing him to go a good distance, before hitting him in the back of the head with his cane. Making Dobby whimper in pain.

"No wonder Dad dislikes him. If Dobby was living with us, he would be treated like family." Ginny said. Harry then had an idea. "Sir, I was wondering if I could give that to Mr. Malfoy." Harry said. "I believe that is a good idea, Harry."

Harry and Ginny left the head master's office and caught up with Lucius. "Mr. Malfoy, I have something of yours." Harry said. He then gave the diary to Lucius, who gave it to Dobby.

"Mine, but I don't know what you're talking about." Lucius said. "Well we think you do,sir. We believe you slipped it into my cauldron in Diagon alley." Ginny said. "You do, do you?" He asked. He then got close to them. "Why don't you prove it." It didn't take long before Lucius backed off. "Come Dobby."

Dobby looked at the two. "Open it." Harry told him. Dobby did so and was shocked by what he saw. "Master has given Dobby a sock." Dobby said. "What I didn't gi-" Lucius started, but then saw what was going on.

"Master has presented Dobby with clothes. Dobby is free." Lucius looked at Harry, who lifted his right pants leg, revealing his foot to be bare.

"You've lost me my servant!" Lucius said as he drew his wand from his cane. He then marched up to Harry, but not before Dobby came to his defense. "You shall not harm Harry Potter." The elf declared.

Lucius was about to cast a spell on Harry, but Dobby launched him back with some magic of his own. He landed on his back and was stunned by what happened.

He recovered and put his wand away. "Your parents were meddling fools too. Mark my words Potter. One day soon, you will get the same sticky end."

He was about to leave when something happened. "Spiritus Draconis." A stone beamed Lucius in the head. Y/N was on his way to the head master's office when he saw the school governor draw his wand at his twin brother.

Y/N then grabbed him by the collar and pinned him to a nearby pillar. "Insult my parents, or attempt to harm my brother again, and I'll make what happened to your son look like a thump to the head in comparison to what I do to you." Y/N said. Lucius nodded and Y/N threw him.

"Sorry about that, Professor Mcgonagall was giving me a rundown of the rules to being the school's swordsman. I'll be getting some new robes later." Y/N said.

"What brings you here, Y/N?" Ginny asked. "Professor Mcgonagall warned me about Lucius, so after I got her stamp of approval, I came here to see what he's up to. Hey Dobby." Y/N said.

"Hello." Dobby said. He then turned to Harry. "Harry Potter freed Dobby, how can Dobby ever repay him?" The elf asked. "Just promise me something." Harry said. "Anything sir." Dobby said. "Never try to save my life again." Dobby just gave him a smile.

Harry and Y/N Potter and the Chamber of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now