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It didn't take long before word spread about how Harry and his friends were able to find the chamber of secrets, kill the monster, and save a student.

Y/N told them that he kept the fang as a trophy, and reluctantly showed them.

Malfoy was upset that his father was sacked as school governor for trying to curse a student. He didn't strut around the castle like he owned it.

Gildeory was taken to St. Mungo's for the memory charm, and his victims were taken into care as well. After he gets the care he needs, charges would be pressed for Fraud and illegal use of magic, much to Y/N's delight.

Everyone was in the great hall and were celebrating the death of the monster. Y/N was the only person in his robes. Everyone else was wearing their pajamas and didn't bother.

During the celebration, something caught Neville's attention. "Y/N, it's Hermione." Neville told him. He, Harry, Ron and Ginny looked and saw a bushy haired girl in the doorway.

Y/N was on his feet almost immediately, with Harry, Ron, and Ginny following suit.

Hermione ran to them as fast as she could and hugged Harry. She then hugged Ginny, she gave Ron a hand shake, and then hugged Y/N before kissing him on the cheek. Y/N blushed quite heavily. With Hermione giggling a bit.

"Congratulations, I can't believe you four solved it." She said. "Well we had loads of help from you." Harry admitted, with the others nodding. "We couldn't have done it without you." "Thanks."

The tapping of a glass cup was heard. "Your attention please." Mcgonagall said. The five sat down together.

Professor Dumbledore stood up. "Before we begin the feast, let us have a round of applause for Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey. Who's mandrake draft was successfully administered to all who have been petrified." He said.

Applause rang out for the two. "Also, in light of recent events, as a school treat. All exams have been cancelled." Dumbledore said. This rang out a heavier applause, with the exception of Hermione who wasn't to happy about it.

The doors opened up and low and behind Hagrid appeared. "Sorry I'm late. The owl that delivered my release papers got all lost and confused. Some ruddy bird called Errol." Hagrid explained.

"You should have used a bird that doesn't look like it's knocking on death's door." Y/N told his redheaded roommate.

Hagrid approached the five students he bonded with. "I would just like to say that if it hadn't been for you Harry, Ron, Ginny, Y/N, and Hermione of course. I would still be you-know-where, so I would just like to say thanks."

Harry stood up and looked at him. "There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid." Harry said. He then hugged him. Ginny joined in and Y/N smiled as he heard multiple people began clapping.

Slowly people began going in until all, but Y/N, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle were clapping. Malfoy didn't believe Hagrid was worth it, Crabbe and Goyle followed Malfoy's lead.

Y/N was simply enjoying the moment. It was rare for these moments to occur and Y/N just wanted nothing more or less than to appreciate it.

After a while, everyone sat back down, except for Dumbledore. "And my final announcement is that the school has a new swordsman. Congratulations Mr. Y/N Potter." Dumbledore said. Y/N smiled knowing he didn't have to hide anymore.

The rest of the year went by well.  Classes were cancelled. Gryffindor won since an additional four hundred points were given to them for the chamber of secrets. Lavender returned to her usual self.

Everyone was on the train heading home, when Fred and George arrived in Harry's compartment.

"Hey, you lot. I'll bet you Mum's going to be happy to see you." Fred said.

"We did perform a service and made it to where future muggle borns won't have to be afraid of a train sized snake." Ron said.

"And yet you don't know what she and Dad have in store for you." George said.

The twins left the compartment, only for Malfoy to show up. "You five think you're so good. You should have let that monster be. It was performing a service. But I didn't come here for that. I need to talk to Y/N alone." He said.

Y/N got up "Follow me." The two left.

They went one compartment over, finding it empty. Y/N went to the door and locked them in. "Alright, what is this about?" Y/N asked.

"I have been thinking about what you did to my father in Diagon alley. When I told my mother and she smiled. We need your help." Malfoy said. This confused Y/N. "I thought you felt  highly of him."

"That's just a mask for in front of the Slytherins. The truth is, we're terrified of him. He beats both me and my mother simply to show superiority. We're treated as bad as Dobby. Btw give this to Harry when you get the chance." Malfoy said as he handed Y/N a note. "So Crabbe and Goyle." Y/N said.

"Their parents are in my father's pocket. Goyle enjoys being a git. Crabbe understands me. I could talk to him about nearly anything, our conversations stay between him and me. He's my best friend. Probably the only one I have." Malfoy said.

Y/N began to understand. "So you never meant to be a prat around us?" He asked. "No, that was just to fool Goyle. He isn't as thick as he looks. I know Harry and Ron took their appearances, well done to them. But Crabbe isn't as straightforward with what he's feeling as Ron." Y/N nodded and closed his eyes.

A sword formed in his hand. It was a cane sword. It had a snake head and a black sheath. Y/N drew the blade. "Consider me an ally. Hermione forgave you for the insult." Y/N said.

Malfoy was dumbfounded. "How can you just trust me so quickly?" "Because you're not a good liar, and I can see trears coming out of your eyes. A heart of stone can't shed tears like that. You must have been holding them back for most of your life." Y/N said.

Y/N sheathed the blade and dismissed it. "I think I understand you. You weren't afraid for your reputation, or your life, or well being. You were afraid for your mother. You must love her more dearly than anything." Y/N said.

"She's the only person who cared for me. She introduced me to Crabbe and help set up play dates when we were younger. She loves me more than anything. I just feel like I have to do something to help her, but I can't do it myself. I'm not as strong as you Y/N." Malfoy said.

"Hey, don't worry. One day your father will slip up and when that is the day you and your mother will be rid of him for good." Y/N said. This comforted Malfoy. The two shock hands. "And don't worry about the note, I'll get it to Harry." Y/N assured him. Draco nodded and the two left.

Once Y/N sat down, he gave the note to Harry. "So what did Malfoy want?" Ron asked. "Simply to talk, listen Ron, I don't want the Slytherins to overhear me, I'll tell you everything later." Y/N said. Ron nodded and saw the note Y/N gave him. "What does it say?" Ron asked. "Thank you for freeing Dobby, he was a good friend to me. Malfoy signed it at the bottom." Harry said.

The world was turning upside down for Ron. He wasn't expecting a thank you note from his most hated enemy. Ron pocked his head out of the compartment and, after giving some thoght. Pulled in and closed the door.

The rest of the ride was uneventful and then stopped at king's cross. Ron looked at Malfoy, and saw him bidding a friendly farewell to Crabbe after Goyle disappeared. "That's odd, I thought he was friends with Goyle."

He then saw him get hit with the cane his father had all the time. "So that's it, Lucius is abusive to Draco. I wonder who else he abuses."

Hermione's parents thanked Y/N for his part in helping her. She then hugged him and the two separated. Y/N returned to the Weasley family and then they went home for the summer.

Harry and Y/N Potter and the Chamber of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now