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In a house on the countryside outside of a small village was a family of redheads and two boys with scars.

This was the Weasley family, and the two scarred boys were Harry Potter and his twin Brother Y/N Potter. Harry and Y/N had taken some serious abuse for five years of their lives, but the day came where they were freed by the Weasleys and we're adopted into the family.

Part of the reason for their adoption was Ginny and Harry were soul bond. It's a rare occurrence that happens when two people who can use magic are meant to be together come in close proximity of each other for the first time.

It happened the day they arrived at the Weasleys looking for help from the Dursleys. Y/N was soul bond with another as well, and he keeps in contact with her when he isn't busy exploring the nearby village, training his powers, hanging out with Ron, the twins, Harry and/or Ginny, fighting Percy, or dealing with homework.

It was in the mid afternoon when Y/N returned to the Weasley house on foot when Molly spotted him. "Y/N how is the village?" She asked. "Still in tact last time I saw it. I was wondering the village after my training and I got the items that you wanted me to get." He answered.

He then placed the bags on the table. "Hermione said hi by the way." Y/N said. "Oh, the girl who is bonded to you. I almost forgotten about that, which reminds me, we never did let gringots know that, now did we?" Molly said. "I was actually going to wait until after we got our Hogwarts letters before we did that, Hermione would be there, guaranteed, and Arthur could fill them in on what is going on." Y/N said.

Before Molly could say anything, Percy came downstairs, "Mother, I was wondering if you knew where Ron is." He said. "Probably out flying with Fred and George." Molly said.

"Oh, Y/N when did you get back?" "Just now." Y/N said, Percy nodded and went outside. Molly let out a breath and said, "For a minute there, I thought I was going to have to mend Percy's bones together again." "Well the day is still young." Y/N said.

"Do you two have to fight all the time, I have had more practice healing Percy than anyone else." Molly said, "I have issues with his attitude and his ambition, I just think he is going too far. He thinks I'm trying to get in his way and stop him. That's all." Y/N said

"Is there a reason why?" Molly said. "Because I just want him to slow down and try not to push too far too fast, but most importantly remember where he comes from." Y/N said. "Oh, I understand dear." Molly said.

Harry and Ginny came in and saw Y/N. "When did you get back from the village, Y/N?" Ginny said.

"Just before Percy went looking for Ron, what did he want with him?" Y/N said.

"He just wanted to borrow some ink. I'm surprised he wasn't sporting a black eye or a bloody nose." said Harry.

"I know what you mean, I was expecting to heal some more bruises." Molly said.

"Or fix something smashed into one of us." Y/N said.

Percy came back in and went to get a bottle of ink and went back upstairs. Ron, Fred, and George came in.

"Wow, I was half expecting a fight right about now." Fred said. "Or Mum paralyzing Percy and Y/N again." George said.

"I had a hand on my wand the whole time." Molly said.

"I believe you, last time Y/N grabbed a chair and broke it against Percy's head." Ron said.

"Right before Percy kicked him into the table." Fred said.

"And Y/N had old Perce in a headlock." George added on.

"I had to repair everything with magic before your father got home, not to mention the two of them began using my pans as weapons against each other." Molly said.

"Now we know what to get them for Christmas this year." Fred said.

"Don't you dare, unless you want to be the ones to explain to your father why Percy can't remember his name or walk normal." Molly said.

Ginny and Harry huddled together, they remember the last time all too well. They got worried when furniture was involved, but neither of them expected them to grab frying pans and use them as well.

It was scary, and they were worried about when they decided one of them needs to die.

Arthur came in the room and asked, "Percy isn't concussed again, is he?" "Oh no dear, there hasn't been a fight today." Molly said. "That is odd, I thought Molly stopped it already and I was going to have to get potions." Authur said.

"He didn't say anything to warrant a head injury, yet." Y/N said.

Molly decided to change the subject. "Before anyone gets any ideas, it is a special occasion, so Percy and Y/N will not be able to kill each other today." Molly said "What's the occasion?" Fred asked disappointed. "Why it's Y/N and Harry's birthday. Ginny, can you help me with the cake?" Molly said. "Yes mum." Ginny said.

Just then, a sound came from the living room. "I'll go look into it." Arthur said. "Right behind you." Y/N said "Not without a sword." Y/N took out Hermione's saber and the sword of Gryffindor and said, "How about two?" "Good point."

The two stepped in the living room and came across a small creature with big ears, a long noose, and big eyes looking around the living room.

"When did we get a house elf?" Arthur asked. "Probably before I got back from the village, I never saw him before." Y/N said.

The elf looked at the two and said, "Y/N Potter, such an honor, it is." "Do you know him?" Arthur asked. Y/N shock his head and asked the elf, "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"Dobby, sir. Dobby the house elf." "And what is your business here, Dobby?" Arthur asked.

"Ah, yes, Dobby has come to tell you and your brother, Harry Potter, something." Dobby said. "Do you want me to call him?" Y/N asked Arthur, who shock his head and said, "I'll relay the message to him if need be." He then turned his attention to Dobby. "You can tell me." He said.

"Dobby has come to tell the Potter twins, to warn them. The Potter twins must not go back to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry this year. There is a plot, a plot to make much terrible things happen." Dobby said.

"By who?" Y/N asked. "I can't say." Dobby then started to grunt. "I understand you can't say, but I need a bit more." Arthur said.

"I think he means he can't say the person's name, but only one person falls under that category, and he doesn't have a body, last time I saw him. Tell me, is he an ugly looking guy who is probably barely alive. "Y/N said.

Dobby nodded. "You can't go to school this year because of him." He said.

"I beheaded him once, I can do it again." Y/N said. "Dobby cannot take the risk, the Potter twins are too good to deal with the dangers. Please sir, don't go to Hogwarts." Dobby said.

"Dumbledore can help. Surely he can handle it." Arthur said. "The risk is still too great sir. If the twins attempt to go to Hogwarts, Dobby is going to have to take drastic measures to insure their safety." Dobby said.

He then left at a snap of his fingers. This left Arthur and Y/N wondering what was going on.

The two returned to the kitchen. "That was one strange elf." Arthur said. Y/N nodded in agreement. "What elf?" Molly asked. Arthur recounted the meeting with Dobby.

"That is a strange elf." Molly said as she and Ginny were working on the cake. Ginny always made Harry's birthday cake herself while Molly made Y/N's. The rest of the day went well.

Harry and Y/N Potter and the Chamber of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now