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Harry and Ginny went down the gigantic pipe into a pit filled with the bones of small animals.

Y/N, Ron, and Lockhart were waiting for them. Y/N had a sword pointed at Lockhart and Ron had his wand trained on him.

Y/N and Ron helped their respective sibling up. "Thanks Y/N, now remember, any sign of movement close your eyes straight away." Harry said. Ginny followed closely behind him. Lockhart was next and then Ron and Y/N followed him, keeping their wands on him.

The five eventually came across a gigantic snake. Y/N went over to look at it with Harry and Ginny.

"What's that?" Ron asked. "It looks like a snake." Lockhart said. "It's a snake's skin." Harry said. "Bloody hell, whatever shed this must be sixty feet long." Ron remarked. "Imagine the snake skin products that could be made with this thing." Y/N said.

Lockhart fainted on the spot. "Heart of a lion, this one." "He's more of a coward than I thought." Y/N said.

Lockhart immediately shot up and grabbed Ron's wand. "The adventure end here, kids. But don't fret, the world will know our story. How I was too late to save the girl. How you four lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body. So you first, Y/N. Say goodbye to your memories."
Lockhart said.

Everyone was looking at Y/N, who had Hermione's saber in hand. "Obliviate." The blast had redirected itself to Lockhart due to the wand being broken. Hitting him instead of Y/N.

The cave began to collapse, but everyone got out of the way. Rocks collected themselves in between the group. Harry, Ginny, and Y/N were on one side and Ron and Lockhart were on the other.

"Harry, Ginny, Y/N." Ron called out. "Ron, are you okay?" Harry asked. "I'm fine."

A groan was heard and Lockhart sat himself up. "Hello, who are you?" He asked Ron. "Ron Weasley." "Really and who am I?" Lockhart asked. "Lockhart's memory charm backfired, he hasn't got a clue of who he is." Ron told them.

"It's an odd sort of place, isn't it, do you live here?" Lockhart asked as he picked up a rock. "No." Ron said. He then took the rock and hit Lockhart with it knocking him out.

Y/N started laughing as he saw what he thought was the worst professor hired being knocked out by a student. "What do I do now?" Ron asked. "You wait here and try to shift some of this rock so we can get back through, we'll go on and find Lavender." "Okay."

The three continued on. "Did you have to laugh at Lockhart getting hit?" Ginny asked. "Yes, I've been dying to do that all year." Y/N said.

The three came across a door that was completely round and had snakes keeping it locked. "Open." Harry said. A single stone snake began to move around the door, with the other snakes moving back. The door opened up and the three went in.

The chamber consisted of multiple snake head statues going on either side of a walk way in the middle, with lead to a statue of an elderly man's head in the back of the chamber.

Harry and Ginny used a ladder just behind the door, but Y/N got impatient and jumped onto the floor, doing a front flip over the two and landing on one foot before spinning in a circle.

"Did you have to do that, there's a basilisk here." Harry said. "Don't worry about it, it's locked up in the head at the end of the Chamber." Y/N said. "You can tell?" Ginny asked. "I can see it." Y/N said.

"What about Lavender?" Harry asked. "Just up ahead." Y/N said. The three made a run for the girl. Once they reached her, Harry dropped his wand and Y/N examined her.

"Harry, her strength is fading, I can trace it to the diary in her hand." Y/N said.

Harry could scarcely believe it. The diary was Tom Riddle's.

Harry and Y/N Potter and the Chamber of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now