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Harry and Y/N were sitting in Lockhart's classroom with him, answering his fan mail.

Lockhart was talking about his personal experience with fame.

Harry was focused on his work, and Y/N was coming dangerously close to tackling Lockhart to the ground and smashing his face in, and wanted to so bad.

Harry lost focus when he appeared to have heard something. He said he has heard a voice, but neither Y/N or Lockhart did.

Lockhart dismissed the two of them. "I'll meet you at the common room later, Harry. I desperately need to blow off some steam." Y/N said.

"I think that's why Lockhart dismissed us." The two split up and headed in different directions.

Y/N headed down the hall looking for anything that could help him just unload when a door appeared out of nowhere.

He opened up the door and saw something he wasn't expecting to see in the castle.

Inside was training dummies made from straw, books on the sword style he practiced as well as meditation, and wooden training swords on the wall rack. Y/N went inside and closed the door behind him.

In a different part of the castle, Harry was making his way to the Gryffindor common room when he heard the voice from Lockhart's classroom, "They all must die. Let me rip you. Let me kill you. Kill. Kill. Kill."

Harry was following the sound up the stairs until he came across Hermione, Ron, and Ginny. "Harry." Ginny said, "Didn't you three hear the voice?" Harry asked.

"Voice, what voice?" Hermione asked. "I heard it first in Lockhart's office, then again just now."

Harry listened for it and said, "It's moving. I think it's going to kill." Harry then made a run for the hall, with the others chasing after him.

Eventually, Harry lost it and then others caught up with him. "Where did all of this water come from?" Ginny asked. Harry looked at the window and saw spiders heading out of it.

"Strange, I have never seen spiders act like this." Harry said, "I don't like spiders." Ron said. He looked away and saw something in the water's reflection. "What's that?"

The others saw it and looked up to see a message on the wall. Hermione read it, "'The chamber of secrets has been opened, enemies of the heir...beware.' It's written in blood."

After a look to the left, Harry saw something horrible. Ms. Norris was suspended by her tail from a torch spot.

Other students appeared out from all over to see the scene. Colin was about to take a picture but his camera was lowered.

"Enemies of the heir, beware." Malfoy said. He turned to Hermione and said, "You'll be next, mudbloods."

Before anyone could do anything Filtch made his way to the group and said, "Potter, what are you-" before he could finish, he saw his cat and threaten to kill Harry for killing her.

Before he could attempt it, Dumbledore came around and said, "Everyone will proceed to their house rooms immediately. Everyone except you four." Pointing at Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny.

"Where is Y/N?" Professor Mcgonagall asked. "The room of requirement, he desperately needed to vent after his detention with Lockhart." Hermione said. "And how do you know this Ms. Granger?"

Dumbledore said, "They are soul bonded, Professor Mcgonagall. Everything Ms. Granger knows, Mr. Potter knows and vice versa."

"If that is true, then his whereabouts are not in question, but why would be frustrated with the detention in the first place?" Snape asked.

"Lockhart was having us answer his fan mail while telling us about how he became famous and some tips on improving our fame. Y/N despises his fame because our parents died for it, and anything to do with our parents deaths is something Y/N can't stand." Harry said.

"I believe that is something for another time, but for now, we must figure out what happened here." Dumbledore said.

"Ask him, it's in his stomach. You saw what he wrote on the wall." Filtch said.

"It's not true, sir. I swear. I never touched Ms. Norris." Harry said. "Rubbish."

"If I might, headmaster. Considering Y/N is currently attending to his temper, Potter's story, and Granger's confirmation that it's true. It seems that the four here are simply in the wrong please at the wrong time." Snape said.

"Oh, I agree with you Severus, and as for Ms. Norris, she is simply petrified, not dead. As luck would have it, Professor Sprout has mandrake on hand, and with the help of Professor Snape, will create a cure for Ms. Norris. In the mean time, I strongly recommend caution to all." Dumbledore said.

The four went back to Gryffindor tower when Hermione said, "This is strange that Harry is hearing a voice and then Ms. Norris is petrified."

"Do you think Y/N is at the tower?" Harry asked. "No, he is still in the room of requirement right now and he won't be back until later." Hermione said.

"Let's just get back, Harry, your dinner may get cold." Ginny said. The group returned to the tower. Y/N arrived three hours later.

Y/N was exhausted and his arms and legs were numb. He had to use the wall to support his weight. Hermione saw him and said, "Y/N, are you okay?" "A little bit better than before, just tired."

Hermione escorted him to a chair nearby. She then sat him down and began to rub his shoulders, trying to relax him. It was working nicely. Y/N began to smile and was less stressed out than before.

"I owe you one of these." Y/N said. Hermione smiled and said, "I don't think so, I'm actually doing this because I want to. Any stress on your part will effect me as well. Now how about you tell me about your dragon's breath."

"That was a dream that I had at the end of our first year here at Hogwarts. In the dream, I was standing in a city surrounded by dragons of different shapes sizes and colors.

All of them turned and went to a gigantic castle in the middle of the city. I went there and saw a Dragon sitting on a massive throne. I asked him for his name and he said he was Dragonis the Dragon King.

He then lifted up a single claw and placed it on my mouth and said that I have the gift of Dragon's breath and to use it as I see fit."

"What happened next?" Hermione asked. "I woke up, never had a dream like that since. I also was surprised by Snape."

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked. "I was expecting him to be suspicious of us, especially me, about Ms. Norris." "Come to think of it, so am I. I was expecting him to be harsh on us, do you think he's alright?" "No idea." Y/N said.

Hermione knew it was true and the two of them continued to enjoy each other's company until Percy decided to ruin the moment and sent them to bed.

Harry and Y/N Potter and the Chamber of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now