Chapter 3

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Bella's pov

As I was following Jane and Alec incase I needed an escape root but everywhere I look there are vampires covering the exit and so I stopped worrying and I think Jane saw me getting worried because she said don't worry just be honest to Aro and he will let you and your child live and if he offers you a deal I would take it because it's either the deal or you die got it and I nodded my head.

So then I said yes I got it and then the 3 of us walked up to a set of double doors and Alec said we are here and he opened the doors and the 3 of us all walked in and when we walked in I saw vampires all around the room and 3 thrown's in the middle of the room and so I gasped and then Jane said to me go to the middle of the floor as her and Alec walked over to the side and so I did what she said I was walked over to the middle of the floor and I stood there waiting.

I stood for a few minutes until the man in the middle thrown said hello there my name is Aro and beside me are my brothers Cauis and Marcus now may I ask why you are here and what your name is and I said sure my name is Bella Swan and I am 16 years old and I am here because 5 months ago my boyfriend Edward Cullen had sex and then he left and then I found out I was pregnant and I have no idea what to do since its a vampire baby.

Then Aro gasped and said you know of vampires and I said yes I do and I know I'm not meant to but I dint care my baby is the only ting that matters now so please can you help me and Aro said well it's either you turn after you have the baby and stay with us for 100 years or you die right here right now and I gasped and said as I smiled you mean you would let me live and Aro said of course we expect great power from you.

So then I said yes thank you I'd love to be a vampire and stay here it will be good to have a family who won't leave me behind and I'd do anything to be with my child forever and Marcus said ok then it's settled you will stay with us now I expect you will give birth within 5 weeks so you need to stay in bed until then and until you give birth Jane and Alec will do whatever you need and if me or the Kings need to speak to you at all Jane or Alec will help you to the thrown room isn't that right and both Jane and Alec smiled and said yes masters.

Then Cauis said good now Jane dear take Bella up to her new room please and then take Heidi and go shopping for baby stuff and new clothes for Bella and Jane said yes master and then Jane walked over to me and she said lets go and so I followed her out of the thrown room and she took me upstairs to a room and she opened the door and said good night and then she walked away.

So I smiled and then I walked into the room and I saw it was the most beautiful room I had saw it was a very big room to and I knew it would be perfect for me and my baby but I was so tired so I shut the door and I walked over to the bed and I got onto the bed and put the blankets around me to keep me and the baby warm and then I lied down and I fell to sleep with my hand on my stomach protecting my baby.

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