Chapter 14

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3 days later

Bella's pov

As I woke up I could tell I was different all my senses where stronger and I could hear people all around the house and so I heard the door open to my room and I saw Maria walk in so I get off of the bed and I stand looking at her and as I did she said are you hungry Bella and then when she said that I felt a hunger pain come into my throat so I moved my hands to my throat and I nodded my head and Maria said good now Peter bring in the guests and I heard Peter say with my vampire hearing of course mistress and then he walked in with 2 humans and as soon as they got into the room I ran at them and grabbed them and I sunk my teeth into their necks and I drank their blood.

Then the 2 humans fell to the floor and I said oh my god that was amazing and Maria said good now what do you remember of your life and I said well I remember giving birth to my twins and living with the Volturi for a while but then they betrayed me and I took my kids and ran and then I went to forks and found out I was adopted and then I met my Boyfriend the kids father again and his family and just as we were getting back to normal my alpha had to order me to forget everything to do with vampires and that meant even myself and then Peter said what was your power before and I said well the main one was mind control and Maria said ok then lets see if it's still attached to you and I said ok great.

So then Peter said try it on me but don't be to harsh and I smiled and said sure no problem and then I walked up to Peter and I said jump up and down and then Peter said sure and he started jumping up and down for about 2 minutes and then he stopped and then I laughed and Maria smiled and said well at least we know you still have your other powers and I said yeah I know that god I really loved that power but I feel stronger as if I have more powers than I did before and Maria said it's ok we will find them but right now we need to train.

Then I said ok fine and so me, Maria and Peter all walked out of the bedroom and went downstairs and went outside and once we got outside I was introduced to Mike, Luke, Jake and little hannah she was only 8 years old and the boys where all 15 years old and then I was introduced to Charlotte Peter's wife and who I also found out was the leader of the coven and so all of us talked and for 3 weeks all we did was talk and get to know eachother and finally they all became family to me I mean Peter and Charlotte became my mom and dad and Maria became my aunt and Mike, Luke and Jake became my brothers and Hannah became my little sister and my daughter.

So then on the 4th week we all started training and we kept training for about 3 hours everyday and then we stopped and when we did I remembered I still had to find my kids so I walked over to Maria and I said nervous Maria do you think it would be possible for me to go back to forks and get my kids and bring them back here and Maria said um no Bella I'm sorry but your a new born vampire and from what we can tell you have less control than you did the last time you were a vampire and less control with blood than any of us so you can't go wondering the streets and I said but I want my kids please and Maria said no Bella it's too dangerous.

Then I said whatever and I huffed and stormed off huffing and I walked over to Charlotte and I said Char can I go get my kids please and Char said Bella you heard what Maria said and I said I know but you are the leader please I need my kids back and Char said Bella you of all people know you have bad control what if something was to happen while you are away and I said but it won't and Peter said walking over to me and Char enough Bella now Charlotte said no so that's the end of it.

So I said no it's not you aren't my parents and there is no way I'm staying here while my kids might think I'm dead and Maria said Bella did you forget something and I said what no and Maria said Bella I have a steal power which means I have all your powers now if Charlotte gives me the ok I will control you and I said backing away what no way you can't please and then Charlotte said then stop trying to see your kids we know you miss them sweetie and we know you want them back but please just wait until we say it's ok for you to go get them.

Then I said fine whatever I'll be in my room and I knew I was going to disobey them and go get my kids but they didn't need to know that and so I walked back into the house from the garden and I walked to the front door and I opened it and walked out it and I ran to my car and I got into it and I started the car and as I did Luke stood in front of my car and he smiled and said where do you think your going and I said to get my kids tell mom and dad I'll be back and Luke said no way and I said using my power on him move now and so he moved out of my way and then I drove out of the drive way and drove towards forks yet again.

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