Chapter 15

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Bella's pov 

Once I got to forks I drove to the Reservation and once I got onto the reservation I drove to Sam's house and I parked the car and got out and then I walked up to the door and I knocked and a few minutes later the door opened and I saw Embry standing there and he looked shocked to see me and then he gasped as he looked at my eyes which where still red from me being a vampire again so I just laughed and walked into the house and when I got inside I followed the noise and I walked to the living room and when I got into the living room I saw the whole pack there.

So I walked in and I said hey guys nice to see you again and everyone turned and they all looked shocked and then Sam stood up and said my god bella where have you been and then he looked at my eyes and gasped and he said what happened and I said getting really angry so angry I was already shaking well let's see you took me from my kids and you erased all my memories about vampires even though I was one myself and then Jacob said but how did you become one again.

Then I said getting angrier well I was kipnapped and they told me the truth about what you all made me forget and then I told them to turn me again because I wanted to remember my life and Jacob said Bella we are sorry and I said look I'm just here to tell you all that in 50 years time me and my family will be back and we will need your help and Quil said why what for and I said as I calmed myself down me and my coven are taking the fight to the Volturi and we will need help so please be ready for when we come and then I ran out of the house even though people where calling me and I ran to my car and got into it and then I started it up and I drove to the Cullen's house to get my kids.

Once I got to the Cullen house I stopped and parked the car and then I got out and I walked up to the door and opened it and I walked in and then I walked upstairs to the living room and I saw Esmse, Carlisle and Emmett all sitting on the couch so I said hello any one home and I smiled as the 3 of them turn and looked at me and gasp when they see me and Emmett ran at me and hugged me and he said I knew you would survive and I said yeah I always do and then Emmett let go and then Esme and Carlisle walked over to me and hugged me.

So Esme said it's great to have you back my dear and I said it's good to be back where is everyone and just as Carlisle was about to answer the front door opened and I heard running on the stairs and then I saw Aria and Adam run into the room and they smiled and ran over to me when they saw me and Adam said we missed you momma and I said I missed you to kids now can you and Aria go and pack a bag while I speak to the family and Aria said momma where we going and I said I'll tell you later now go and I laughed as my 2 kids ran upstairs and packed and then Edward walked over to me and said happy your back.

Then Alice hugged me and said yeah I'm sorry we didn't stop the pack aqnd Rosalie said Bella I'm so glad your alive and then Jasper said Bella how are your eyes red again and I said long story which I can't explain and all I can say right now is that I was human again and I forgot all of you and then a vampire kidnapped me told me the truth and I told her to turn me back so that I could remember you all and Emmett said who made you human and forget us and I said the pack did and then Carlisle said Bella why are the kids packing and I said well that's because the people who turned me want me to help them kill the Volturi and I want my kids by my side when I do it and the Cullen's all gasped and Edward said when are you fighting them.

So I said in 50 years from now and until then we are gathering as many people who will fight with us and so that's also why I came here today I have already asked the pack and they didn't give me an asnwer but I know they will help me for the sake of my life and now I'm asking you all and Carlisle said of course we will help and we will find people who will help to we have friends and I said thank you Carlisle now me and my coven will be back in 50 years time and that is when the fight will take place and Esme said Bella why are you taking the kids and I said well because I am not spending 50 years away from my kids and Edward shouted they aren't just your kids.

Then I said yeah I know but I have been with them longer and I'm not leaving them now and then Aria and Adam ran downstairs and said all ready momma and I said ok good now say goodbye to daddy and the others I'll be in the car and then I walked out of the living room and ran downstairs and went outside and walked over to my car and got into it and I waited for 10 minutes and then the kids walked out of the house and came over to my car and got inside and then they put their belts on and I drove away from the Cullen's and started driving towards Peter and Charlotte's home and as I did Aria said momma where are we going and I said we are going to live with another coven for a while one that is like family to me and Adam said are they nice.

So I said yes they are amazing and then I kept driving for 4 hours and then we got to the house and when we got there I parked my car and I turned it off and then me, Aria and Adam all got out of it and headed to the house and when we got to the house I opened the door and walked inside and my kids followed me and then I was cornered by Peter, Charlotte and Maria and they looked mad and angry and then Charlotte said Bella what the hell were you thinking and I said I was thinking I needed to get my kids back and Maria said well you shouldn't have disobeyed us and I said yeah I know I'm sorry and then Peter said you should be now is this your kids.

Then I smiled and said yes they are Aria, Adam this is Maria, Peter and Charlotte and then they each started talking to each other and then I said ok Aria, Adam I know I am your mother but Peter and Charlotte are in charge of this coven so even though you have to listen to me you also have to listen to the mother of the coven and the father of the coven ok and both Aria and Adam said yes momma and I said ok good now why don't you both go upstairs and meet Mike, Luke, Jake and Hannah and both Aria and Adam said ok momma and ran upstairs and then Maria said ok so who did you get to help us in this war.

So I smiled and said ok well my kids father and his family are going to help and they are going to ask their friends to help and also my old wolf pack will help to and Charlotte said ok good now Bella you do know you disobeyed us and I said yes I know and I'm sorry and then Peter said not good enough now we were talking while you were away and we have made the decided that you are grounded for 2 weeks and that you will not step out of this house with out our say so do you understand and I said what no way you can't ground me I'm over 18 years old you have no control.

Then Maria said you may be over 18 way over it but you still looked 16 years old so yes we do have control especially to the public and I said oh yeah right and then Char said Bella it's up to you since your their mother do you want Aria and Adam to start school this year with Mike, Luke, Jake and Hannah and I thought about it and said yes yes I do it will be good for them and Charlotte said ok good and then Maria said we have a surprise for you to and I said what is it and Peter said well we have enroled you to and I said what no way I haven't been to school in like forever and Peter said well your starting while your living with us and I said ugh fine whatever.

So Peter said good now go to bed please and I said what why it's not like I can sleep and Charlotte said but you can use your wolf side to sleep and I said fine whatever and then I ran upstairs and I went into my siblings room and I saw they all talking with Aria and Adam and so I walked into the room and I said alright Aria, Adam kids it's time for bed and Adam said but mom and I said no but let's go get into bed please and Aria and Adam said ok and stood up and went over to the beds and got inside and then I tucked them in and they went to sleep and then I said good night to Mike, Luke, Jake and Hannah and I walked out of the room and I went into my own room and I went to bed and fell to sleep.

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