Grand Line Greetings

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As the ship got closer and closer to colliding with the whale, some of the crew started to grow just a tad bit nervous. "Well boss, feel free to save us at anytime." Kid muttered trying to hide the small bit of panic in his voice as a bead of sweat ran down his face while law had his hand extended with a troubled look on his face ready to use a Room at anytime. Izuku for his part simply jerked his fingers up and within seconds the ship was flying through the air and safely above the whale.

The majority of the crew collectively breathed a sigh of relief as they slumped down before looking towards Hawkeye, Hawkins and Monet who were the only ones not fazed by the danger. Seeing this Monet covered her face as it took on an amused expression, "My, it seems like some of us forgot out captain could do this." She lightly teased getting embarrassed looks from killer, Law, Sonia, and Gloriosa and burning blushes from Nami, Kid and Bonney.

"SHUT UP!" The latter three yelled trying to hide it as Izuku lowered the ship back into the sea and looked around. 'So this is it." He thought as he looked around and saw the seemingly calm sea stretch far over the horizon. 'The Grandline, the place that will hold the key to me getting home.' Izuku thought taking it all in. 'That's if you want to go home by that point.' A traitorous thought spoke up causing Izuku to scowl and quickly rid himself of it.

As their captain was doing this, those in the crew that have never been to the grand line looked around in wonder, ready to take on the sea that had been dubbed the "pirate's graveyard." Kid however were disappointed as to how calm things were. "And I thought the Grandline would be a little more exciting." The red head huffed as he crossed his arms while Law simply rolled his eyes. "We just narrowly avoided getting hit by a whale Eustass, I would think that would be enough." The dark doctor rolled his eyes while Eutass growled at him.

"Speaking of the whale where did it go?" Nami asked glancing around nervously as she searched for the beast that almost ended their journey only to find nothing and was about to sigh in relief when she didn't see it only to scream as the entire area started to shake with a large banging noise started.

"AHHH what's going on?!" Nami screamed clutching onto the mast as Gloria and Sonia went to make sure the Kuja were fine as the rest of the crew remained vigilant ready for a fight only for the their attention to be taken by to figures appearing on the shore. "Ahh that damn beast is at it again Ms.Wednesday!" A male voice screamed over the noise as a female voice replied. "I'm aware of that Mr.9! Oh this monster just lives to make our lives difficult doesn't it?!" She replied as the two came into view.

9! Oh this monster just lives to make our lives difficult doesn't it?!" She replied as the two came into view

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