Clockwork Island Adventure.

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The sun was shining brightly over the Devil King pirates as they found themselves relaxing on a small beach island. It had been a few days after the crew hat left the cooking festival and after spending nearly a week on the sea the crew thought it be best to stretch their legs and spend the day relaxing. So here they were taking a day to enjoy themselves on a picture perfect beach.

Izuku was  dozing underneath an umbrella as he the rest of the crew was doing their own thing. Law and Kid were seeing who could launch a cannon ball further with the help of their powers with Killer and Hawkins acting as the judges. Bonney was preparing a barbecue with Monet assisting her. Monet actually fit in pretty well with the crew. She was distant but nice enough and did seem genuine in her attempts to help around the ship. Though a few of the crew such as Bonney, Nami and Kid were still weary of her, not willing to trust her just yet.

As for Nami she was currently stretched out sunbathing while letting out a relaxed sigh. 'This is the life.' The navigator thought with a smile. However a second later it changed to a frown of confusion when she was hit was felt like a couple of raindrops. "How the?" She muttered before her eyes widened in realization and alarm as she scrambled to move. "Wait, don't!"


A down pour rained down on Nami who's hair was now soaked covered her eyes as she sat there motionlessly as the other Devil Kings watched on in varying amounts of amusement while also complete dry. "~Sorry Nami~." A voice from above the navigator said lazily as Nami's eyebrow started to twitch slowly, getting faster and faster as her body started to shake until finally Mt.Nami erupted.

"DAMN IT SU!" Nami shouted at the top of her lungs as she glared up at a small cloud that actually looked back and smiled lazily. "~I said I was sorry.~" The cloud defended itself as Ama came over to scold the cloud for drenching their creator. This was Su, The second homie Nami created after Izuku told her more about how Big Mom used the Soul-Soul Fruit. So with the help of Izuku Su the storm cloud homie who's name was short for Susanno the storm god was born.

Speaking of Izuku, Nami's shouting had woken him up and when he found the source he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. 'Looks like Nami's already getting better at using Big Mom's powers.' He thought to himself. However that thought did cause his smile to be replaced with a frown. At first Izuku thought getting through this world would be pretty easy, sure some things might not be dangerous but nothing that big a difference had happened so Izuku wasn't that worried about it.

Nami getting the Soul-Soul Fruit changed that. It showed Izuku that anything could be different and if he relied only on the memories he got from other devil fruit users then it could be disastrous for him and the crew in the long run. So for now he would have to just go with it for now and hopefully be able to pull through enough with his crew until he's able to get back home.

'If you want to go home by then.' A stray thought whispered with Izuku violently shaking his head with a scowl to rid himself of the rouge thought. Luckily there was something to distract him as a shout from Kid alerted the crew that some one was trying to steal the ship, so with a quick Shave Izuku appeared on the deck of the ship.

There were 3 would be thieves, the first has purple hair tied in a short ponytail at the top of his head, and a prominent nose. He wore a stripped yellow shirt with a blue vest over it, short blue jeans with light blue polka dots, a blue pirate sash, simple black shoes, and a pair of round sunglasses on top of his head.

the second had black fuzzy hair that has a disco style to it, a goatee of the same color, and a square face with a somewhat big nose. He wore pink disco clothes that has white edges, a purple pirate sash, and white shoes.

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