Unexpected meetings.

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A silence overtook the area as Hawkeye observed each of the pirates in front of him. First his attention when to Nami, Killer and Monet. 'Each of them have their own unique style to them. The red headed woman isn't a front line fighter and seems to use those two creatures next to her for combat.' Hawkeye looked Nami over seeing how she subconsciously moved to the back of the group when she found out who he was and had the sun and cloud move in front to defend her before moving on to Monet.

'She while more willing to fight seems the type to rely one misdirection before going on to in for the kill.' The swordsman thought having noticed the woman's arms become wings made snow before they froze over become ice. 'And finally the masked one. A much more traditional fighter who despite his built seems to be a hit and run fighter.' Hawkeye thought as he saw the blades on Killer's mechanical gauntlets starting to spin at high speeds.

'AN intersting trio.' Mihawk thought before his eyes directed over to Bonney, Kid, Law and Hawkins. 'But nowhere near as interesting as them.' He thought as he watched Law and Hawkins both grab their swords, Bonney crack their knuckles and Kid to create giant arms made out of various weapons that had been scattered around the deck. 'Each of them have the strength and drive to be captains of their own crews and yet they've chosen to serve under another'. Hawkeye observed. 'The two swordsman do seem well trained with their swords but it's obvious they have something else under their selves. Possibly devil fruits.

'The woman and red haired man while not as refined do seem like they've honed their fighting prowelss if their stances are anything to go by.' Hawkeye thought before his eyes finally drifted to Izuku and a small smirk to appear on his face.

'This one has diffidently seen battle, time and time again. His Haki is also very impressive especially for one so young.' The swordsman finished his assessment and thoughts of the crew before finally speaking. "Apologies for boarding your ship without permission, but I thought it was the quickest way to introduce myself." Hawkeye told them bowing his head slightly in apologizes.

Izuku kept his eyes trained on the swordsman while getting ready to fight the warlord should the need arise. 'At least I know who's been following us now' Izuku thought before speaking. "How about instead of apologizing you explain how and why you got on our ship, never mind getting into my room." Izuku demanded with the swordsman gained a smirk. "I did it when you were dealing with that fleet. You were all so focused on the fleet I was was able to sneak past everyone, and you were so focused on your objective no one noticed me not even your Haki, despite you having been monitoring me for days." At this the crew's eyes widened with Izuku cursing under his breath while the rest of the crew was wondered what Haki was exactly.

"As for why, well I was at the food festival when it was attacked, and I watched as you were able to sink a fleet of ships almost entirely on your own. A truly impressive feet." Mihawk praised before continuing on with his tale. "I grew curious of one who not only had that kind of power to do that, but was able to gather such a powerful crew of subordinates." He said with with the more egotistical of the crew felt a rush of pride at being praised by such a powerful individual.

"So for the next few days I followed behind you to see just how your crew operated though I will admit, dodging your detection did prove difficult at times." Mihawk admitted before shaking his head. "Regardless I continued to observe until you ran into that fleet from before where I witnessed not only the captain show his skill and determination but also his subordinates." Hawkeye finished his tale.

"Well that's all well and good by why are you still here? You could have easily left when the island had dropped back into the ocean. So the question remains why are you still here?" Law demanded narrowing his eyes and ready to create a Room to disassemble the warlord in front of him.

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