Reliving the past and moving towards the future.

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"You can't be serious." was the first thing out of Kid's mouth after Gloriosa made her big reveal causing the elderly woman to glare at him. "You have a problem with what I just said brat?" She asked her voice low and dangerous as Kid glared right back. "Yeah I do, you honestly except us to believe that a Yonko's crew, even if it was a small section of it was able to cross all the way through the Grandline and wage war with a warlord and no one heard anything about it including the marines?" Kid demanded highly skeptical of the whole thing something that was starting to be shared with the rest crew now that the shock was wearing off though Mihawk look somewhat convinced.

Nyon just glared at them. "I didn't say it was the Big Mom pirates, I said it was Big Mom herself. She and she alone attacked and stole our island." She said seriously trying to get the rookies in front of her to understand. Unfortunately this just made the crew even more skeptical. "And just how may I ask did she get there? She has to be close to 70 now right? It doesn't matter who you are traveling the Grandline and into the calm belt is no easy task." Law interjected this time having a hard time believing the story.

Gloriosa let lose another glare but it wasn't directed towards Law and instead it was at Mihawk, who just stared right back with his arms crossed. "I'm surprised Hawkeye, I would have thought you would have told them at least something about what's waiting for them out there." The elderly amazon grumbled with Mihawk raised an eyebrow. "Considering, we haven't even entered paradise yet, I felt it unnecessary to mention anything about New World just yet." Mihawk told her disinterestedly getting Nyon to glare at him while the others file those names away for later.

Clicking her teeth Nyon addressed the rest of the crew. "Alright listen up, since some people have have decided to keep information from you." Nyon said while directing another glare at Mihawk who blatantly ignored it. "I'll tell you what is known about the current Yonko's strength." "Though that's vague at best." Nyon muttered a troubled look in her eyes while the Devil Kings looked at her in confusion. "I'm sorry but what?" Bonney asked a little exasperated. "We're talking about the strongest, most infamous and most influential pirates currently out there, how could there strength be hidden?" Bonney demanded, asking the questions that was on everyone's mind.

Nyon didn't flinch as she shook of the claim. "Tell me something dear, have you ever heard any rumors about how the Yonko fight or what kind of abilities they posses?" She asked the cook despite already knowing the answer, while Bonney thought over any information she had heard about the emperors before shaking her head no. "How about the rest of you, ever heard anything?" Nyon asked getting the rest of the crew to shake their heads.

"Well that's to be expected." Nyon sighed getting up from the barrel she had been sitting on and starting to pace. "Even in the Grandline very little information is known about them. Even the Navi knowns doesn't know what they are exactly, only their crews known exactly what they're called." "However." Nyon said stopping suddenly and facing them. "What is known is that the 3 Yonko that do have devil fruits that being WhiteBeard, Big Mom and Kaido all have the same type." Nyon revealed getting shocked looks from the crew. "And what kind are they?" Hawkins asked, doing his best to keep his voice monotone but the crew could the shocked and somewhat nervous tone they would have too had they asked. Gloriosa looked at the crew, before looking towards Mihawk who nodded as if asking something to which he nodded as the elder took a deep breath before she answered.


The Devil Kings collectively blinked not understanding what they just heard especially. "You mean to say that they've awakened their devil fruits right?" Izuku asked trying to make heads or tails of the situation though that hope died when Nyon shock her head. "Not exactly, but the activation method is the same." Nyon revealed getting more confused looks from the crew as she continued her explanation .

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