The cooking festival part 1

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(Before we begin I'd just like to say something. When I stared this story I wanted to keep things sticktly to the one piece world with the exception of the devil fruits. However I have come up with a few things that could still fit in the story realistically. So with that in mind there will be a few things from other series in the story but nothing to major. Or at least it try and keep it that way.)

It had been a couple of days since Kid and Killer joined the recently named Devil King pirates and things have been mixed. Killer melded into the crew well being respectful enough with Hawkins, accepting Izuku as his new captain and actually finding kinda of kindred spirt with Nami in trying to be the voices of reason for their other crew members.

Kid was where things got a little complicated. He had indeed accepted Izuku with Killer though he was dying to challenge him again, but it would have to wait until they found a doctor to patch him up. Kid and Nami also respected each other, though that didn't stop them from bickering with each other. Their tempers and personalities often causing them to argue.

The problem came with Hawkins. Kid was honestly just a little disturbed by the magician. Call it paranoia but when someone shows as little emotion as Hawkins it's bound to stir some unease in the red haired man. It didn't help the magician always seemed to have a come back ready when ever Kid taunted him. Still the 2 managed to stand each other and have conversations so there was hope.

However Killer did bring up a good question when he asked what the name of the ship was, something that Izuku completely forgot about but before he could think of something Hawkins spoke up. "Charon." He said simply. "Named after the ferryman of the dead. Appropriate don't you think?" Hawkins with asked and with that the Charon was named.

It was a little after sunrise when Nami emerged from her room, stretching her arms as the sun hit her face. "What a great morning." She said with a grin as she looked the sky and saw the weather was perfect while absentmindedly taking in the smells from the kitchen. "Well I guess Izuku's up." She commented before spying a news coo and waving it down to get the paper. It was then the door to the men's quarters opened and Killer appeared with out his helmet but his hair covering his eyes. "Morning." He greeted with a yawn as he walked over to the navigator. "Morning." she greeted back "How'd you sleep?"

"Fine." He answered before an uneasy smile came to his face. "Kid and Hawkins though." He trailed off as the two mentioned emerged for the cabin with the 2 looking annoyed well Kid looked annoyed it was hard to tell with Hawkins. Seeing this Nami couldn't help but sweat drop. "Okay, what happened there?" She questioned with Killer sighing. "Kid's annoyed that Hawkins kept him up late, and Hawkins annoyed due to the fact that Kid snored." The blond explained causing Nami to understand.

It was then the 4 made their way to the kitchen where Izuku had just finished with breakfast. "Honestly Midoriya, we gotta find a full time cook." Kid said and while he found his captain's food delicious he felt unless the entire crew was centered around cooking like the one lead by Red-Leg Zeff then the captain should be commanding not cooking.

Izuku nodded in understanding. "Yeah, but where would we find someone like that? It's not like there's a ton of chef's ready to drop everything and become a pirate." Izuku argued and aside from the Baratie he couldn't think of anywhere where they could find a chef that would fit in well with the crew. "Actually Izuku, I may have our answer." Nami said with a grin as she read the paper before revealing it to the crew.

4 Blue's Cooking Festival coming to East Blue!!.

"Four Blue's cooking festival?" Izuku questioned getting a raised eyebrow Kid. "You've never heard of it? It's pretty famous." The magnetic manipulator  questioned causing Nami and Izuku to grow nervous having decided for the time being to keep Izuku's past a secret. Luckily Kid moved on. "Anyway every year, an Island is chosen to hold this big party that's all about food and cooking. It last a week and cooks from all over the world come and test their skills against each other. It goes in a big rational pattern of the 4 blues every year." Kid explained with Killer nodding,

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