Just getting started.

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Pure terror.

That's what almost every member of Baroque Works felt as they stared up at the small group of mostly  rookie pirates which only grew worse when the three mercenaries and currently strongest of them all, Heat, Wire, and Baby 5 glared at them in suspicion. "So you're all with Baroque Works and not just "some small bounty hunter organization?" Heat asked rhetorically while spitting out the last bit in disgust at the obvious lie.

"Well well well." Igaram jabbered while trying to think of something that can sway the three while also putting himself in front fo the princess in case things turned violent. However the faux agent wasn't able to give an excuse when Izuku answered for him. "That's right, they're known as the millions, next to the bottom of the barrel in the organization next to the billions. Honestly it's a wonder that they haven't been taken out yet." Izuku told them before a thoughtful explanation came to his face. "Though it's probably due to you four, is that right Mr.9, Mr.8 , Miss.Monday and Miss.Wednesday? He asked, calling the four by their code names.

The four named agents were now ghostly white with sweat falling rapidly. How, how could he possibly know so much? They saw that Hawkeye was there but that doesn't explain it because as far as they knew Hawkeye wasn't associated with their organization at all.

"Well as much as giving everyone here heart attacks is, I think it's time to get down to business." He said before turning to his crew. "Sonia and Gloria go defend the ship, the rest of you deal with the agents down there and I don't care how you do it, just make sure you keep the blue haired woman and the esteemed mayor in good shape I want to talk with them about something." He ordered getting nods from the crew while the two undercover agents went even paler at the fact they were singled out in particular.

Izuku ignoring this turned to the three not associated Baroque Works. "Heat, Wire, 5 if you could all just stay out of the way I'd appreciate it , there's something I need to talk with you about later." He said getting raised eyebrows from the two men, just how'd he know their names? As for 5 she couldn't care less the moment she heard the words I need and you she was instantly turned to mush.

Seeing this Izuku nodded. "Now if you excuse me I'm going to go meet the source of that screaming." He told his crew and was about to head over there when he heard a great big shout of "NO!" The crew confused and blinking glanced down to see the bounty hunters now all assembled shaking worse than ever as they pointed their weapons at the group. "We're not letting you let that monster out!" A cowboy shouted in alarm with a nun nodding in agreement. "The second she's free we're all dead!" She screamed. "Yeah we'll fight you bare handed if it comes to it!" A third shouted as more and more chimed in their opinion, not seeing Izuku turn to Kid give him a small nod and get a maniacal grin in return before facing the bounty hunter once again.

"Okay, challenge accepted."

Extending their hands Izuku and Kid activated the Magnet-Magnet Fruit, ripping the weapons out of the bounty hunters' hands much to their shock and horror and form them into balls which Izuku quickly touched and activated the Float-Float Fruit making them float well out of reach with kid taking enough to form a couple of Golem Arms.

With that Izuku disappeared with a Shave leaving his crew with the slowly inching away bounty hunters. "Well you heard him." Law smirked down at the terrified bounty hunters. "Come on devil kings, let's get to work." And with that the pirates sprang into action. Kid  and Law jumped straight into the thick of it with Kid smashing and slashing his unlucky victims apart while also blasting apart others with the assembled guns and cannons on his make shift arms. Law meanwhile was making use of his swordsmanship which proved far superior to those he  was facing. Along with that he also used his Shambles technique to switch places with bounty hunters making them take hits meant for him while also putting Law in position to attack them from behind.

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