A new job

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Today was not a good day for Izuku Midoriya and the other members of class 1A who had just went through, and emerged victorious from a surprise attack that was orchestrated by a group calling themselves the League of Villains. The fighting was tough and everyone had suffered their fair share of injuries none more so then there teachers 13 and Shota Aizawa otherwise known as Eraser Head. In the end though it didn't matter they had won and with everyone surviving in the end with the only villains that managed to get away were  Tomura shigaraki and Kurogiri. Right now though the class was simply waiting for the rest of the teachers to show up and help them take down the barrier, and although the students had mixed feelings about their teachers right now they were quite frankly  glad it was over.

Or so they thought.

Izuku's haki flared to life as he jumped to his feet and rushed over to where Ochaco Uraraka and Tsuyu Asui chatting. "Hey Izuku, what's wrong?" Ochaco asked before her eyes widened when a familiar black mist appeared right behind them. "This is." Tsuyu said before being grabbed by Izuku and out of the way as the other students either got into fighting positions or out of the way of those who were going to fight. "Greetings once again." Kurogiri spoke this time pulling himself together into a humanoid form while also holding what looks like a syringe in his hands.

"So sorry to show up so soon after our last meeting, however due to some unforeseen complications." He said looking at Izuku as he did so. "My master sent me here to ensure those complications don't meddle in our future plans." He said getting a snort from Izuku. "And just how do you plan on doing that?" He asked with crossed arms while the mist villain chuckled. "With this." He said simply before stabbing the needle into his neck before spazzing rapidly and stumbling for a few seconds before the drug activated.

The effects were instantly noticeable as Kurogiri became a hurricane of mist, blowing some of the students back while Mezo and Rikido guarded the teachers while ignoring their orders to help them up. Kurogiri laughed as he saw how strong his quirk had become. 'Trigger truly is wondrous thing.' He thought before turning his attention to Izuku who had narrowed his eyes at the mist villain. 'Now on to business.

"Damn it! What do we do now?!" Katsuki Bakugou asked trying to think of a way out of this mess before noticing Izuku charging forward his hands covered in darkness, his intention obvious. "Don't be an idiot Deku!" He tried to warn but it was too late, because a second he was able to come in contact with Kurogiri and take away his quirk Izuku was engulfed in Kurogiri's quirk and vanished.

It was silent as a grave as the class processed what just happened and the silence was broken by the mist villain himself. "Well that's him out of the way."

Line break.

'Damn it, what was I thinking charing in like an idiot.' Izuku berated himself as he tried to make heads or tails of where the mist could be taking him. 'To the bottom of the ocean for all I know." He thought with sweat dripping down his face as he prepared for the worst. Which is why it came as shock when he found himself at a coastline where a pool was linked to the ocean by a of closed steel gates.

The place while it did look vaguely familiar couldn't have been anywhere near Japan since it was mid afternoon in Japan and it was the dead  of night here. However before he could look around a voice deep voice full of mock and loathing spoke up. "Oi, human just what the hell are you doing at my base?" Izuku froze as he heard the voice, not in fear but in shock as he had remembered hearing that voice before in his dreams

'It can't be.' Izuku thought as he slowly turned around to see who was talking and prove he wasn't who he thought he was only for a single to enter his mind when he saw who spoke. 'It is' he thought as stared at the figure in front of him.

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