What Just Happened?!

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Once alone in his quarters he released the breath he hadn't noticed he was holding.

Then the overwhelming truth finally
dawned on him. This was happening. Everything he had dreamed of and worked so hard for since childhood was in his grasp.

After centuries of waiting he had finally earned his position in the royal family. In his own family.

Not only that but he would be able to work with his father and together they would work to the betterment of the lives of their subjects while preserving the peace and prosperity of the kingdoms within their territory.

It was perfect....too perfect.

More often than not the prince found himself wanting more. To do, see and be more. He knew thinking like this would get him killed or worse hurt those around him but he couldn't help how he felt. And he hated it.

With a resigned sigh he carefully removed his shoes and picked them up, slowly peeled his socks off and rolled them into two small uniform bundles and deposited them in the laundry hamper and slipped into his favourite pair of fuzzy blue house
slippers, leaving his shoes on the shoe rack.

He made his way to his walk-in closet already making fast work of removing his tie and the plethora of medals on the left side of the navy blue coat he had decided to wear this morning.

In the midst of this mundane and simply arduous task he began
to feel an eerie feeling of something not being right and cautiously turned around with just enough time to see a silver canister crash through his window at an alarming speed and
land at his feet immediately spraying a nauseating yellow gas throughout his room.

His legs gave out and his vision began to blur. He began to hack his lungs out on the carpet and attempted to gather his thoughts but found that breathing wasn't the only think he was unable to coherently do.

As the lack of oxygen finally caused him to start losing consciousness Lazerus turned his head towards what he thought was the sound of footsteps and saw the dark silhouette
of a solitary tall individual.

"Seriously? One guy? Come on." The
fallen royal murmured as he felt the hold the darkness had on him strengthen.

Apparently this comment was enough to elicit a hefty chuckle from his assailant.

The last thing he remembers before the darkness overtook him, was how boarder-line intoxicating the sound of their voice was before he sur-came to the drugs and whatever else was in that canister.


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