Tears And Sadness

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The maids were confused and destressed, hovering and fussing
over the distraught prince.

Just moments before they were
simply doing touch ups to his attire when the prince locked eyes with his reflection and froze. No one knew what happened exactly but he simply crumpled onto the floor and began silently weeping.

It was heart-wrenching and the serving staff were trying their best to console Lazerus to no avail.

He refused to speak to his father and none of their kind soothing words seemed to reach him.

Many had given up hope and even suggested postponing the ceremony but the full lunar eclipse only happened once every year and the prince had worked too hard to give up now.

Panic was threatening to take over the small group of women when a soft knock was heard.

"Who is it?" they all simultaneously squeaked

"A handsome prince charming come to check on his princess" a voice replied.

Upon hearing this the prince whipped his head around and stared at the door in disbelief.

The maids were very surprised at
the reaction their young master had had to the sound of the other man's voice and too were confused as to who he was and how he had surpassed the security when realization hit them like a ton of bricks. Kervacsus.

They all became frantic and Lazerus continued to stare at the door but the head matron herself found that she must take charge and stand her ground.

This man has attempted to harm our master before but as long as
I live I will not let that happen. I practically raised this boy and Iwill be damned if some hot head from hell lays a single claw on

"Be gone demon spawn!! You are not and never will be welcome in our master's quarters!!" She bellowed earning a resounding "Yeah!" from her colleagues.

"What? Oh my Lucifer, are you guys still sour about the kidnapping thing? If it helps that's why I'm here. I am here to apologize!" Kervacsus yelled back through the doors making sure
to emphasize the word "apologize".

The maids looked at each other mouths agape at a loss for words while Lazerus, who was no longer on the floor sported a similar expression of shock and distrust.

"WHAT?!" They all shrieked in disbelief. Demons are known to be quite reluctant to be apologetic even more so Kervacsus, who by word of mouth had never ever apologized in his life.

"Yes! I'm here to apologize! So if you could just- you know what is Lazerus with you? Lazerus!! Listen I'm sorry! I really do like you and I know that I've probably screwed up any chance at even getting to know you but I'm out here begging for a fresh start!! That's right I'm begging! I never beg! Please let me in!"

As Kervacsus pleaded through the door all Lazerus could do was stare daggers at the door as if the demo-dragon would melt if he stared long and hard enough. The maids on the other hand werelooking between the door and the prince on the edge of their proverbial seats.

"Lazerus?! Are you there?!" Kervacsus inquired fearing that he
had been screaming to the high heavens for nothing.

"Yes! Now stop screaming!" Lazerus replied feeling his blood boil despite his poor mood.

"Not until you let me in!" He retorted.

Lazerus was tired and at the moment too distraught to keep bickering with the overlord. He just wanted to cry in peace.

"Kervacsus please. Please just leave me alone" His voice cracked as the desperation and despair sank into his words.

Upon hearing this Kervacsus was instantly brought out of his
own head, Lazerus never used his name unless he was pissed but he didn't sound pissed he sounded heartbroken.

In no time his will to protect his love overrode his pride and his head was filled with thoughts of ways to comfort and console his crush.

"Lazerus, are you ok my dear?" He finally asked after a brief silence, taking care to put as much of the love in his heart as he could fit into his words.

Something in the prince broke when he heard his enemy, the one he supposedly despised most being so kind to him, someone he had been so rude and disrespectful to for years cared about him.

Tears began to trickle down his already tear stained face and he softly croaked a reply


That was all Kervacsus needed to hear. He teleported into the room earning a shocked gasp from the maids who had just been enjoying the show and a bewildered look from Lazerus.

"This whole time you could have-"The demo- dragon gently shushed him and pulled him into a gentle embrace fully expecting the prince to fight it or attack him but not expecting him to melt into the embrace and fully breakdown.

They stood there for a while and the maids took it as their cue to give them some space. It wasn't forgiveness but Kervacsus was happy with just being there for him.

Little did they know that a certain hydra was watching. Pleased
that his plan was slowly but surely working.


A/N Hey hey hey. Author-San here.
Wasn't really sure if the chapters I've done so far were too short but I'ma try and keep them about this length at least.

The video was just the song I was listening to when I was writing this and I was hit with feels. (Yes I ship Billdip and I am aware of the age gap I don't care) And the picture is basically what Lazerus will be wearing.

Anywho!! Hope everyone is doing well and don't forget to vote or leave me a comment😋

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