Fifty Shades Of Blue

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The soft white and bluey glow from the behemoth of a jayerios crystal they had suspended, using enchanted spindle thread from a local coven, filled the room with an ethereal air that was simply breath taking.

The light refracted, bounced and played over creamy white marble floors. The floor was also marked in a similar way to the ldoor, with long streams of silver branching out and coming together to form a lay out of a cherry blossom tree with the leaves and blossoms made of gems and precious stones, scattered across the dance floor.

Upon closer inspection the guests realised that the beautiful depiction was in fact a part of the actual floor and was well engrained with the marble.

The tables were sleek themselves and covered in soft silk and cotton blend table cloths that were different shades of blue, obviously indicating importance and seniority, with peacocks embroidered in golden thread.

The colours started with a stark and standard indigo that faded to a dark turquoise eventually fading into a dark teal.

On each table sat a small statue representing the official seal of
the clans, dignitaries and royal families in attendance.

They sculpted them out of vibrainium with gems matching their respective colours adorning the intricate and generous party gifts.

The orchestra had set up in the space provided a little ways to the left of the crowd and sat primly dressed adjusting their instruments and preparing their sheet music.

The main peis del la resitance though was the grand table situated before all of the table, set out for the hosts of the event.

Standing in all its’ golden glory for all to see.

The guests mummered and conversed among themselves as they excitedly moved to their seats. All elated and anticipating the handsome prince’s arrival.

Unfortunately the prince was busy
crying on the floor of his bedroom and would be occupied for the time being with that problem for the foreseeable future.


A/N just a random little thing I'm doing, Let me know if you can catch all my little references I make through out this book😋

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