Deep Thoughts And Alcohol

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~ Meanwhile in the third circle of hell, within the Grand overlords manor ~

Kervacsus entered his living room hastily, straight after receiving the news from one of the underlings he had sent, that his "special guest" had arrived.

As he entered the room he took notice of the unconscious figure seated upright on one of his armchairs. This man was supposedly the best friend of the object of his affections and was quite possibly his ticket into the brunette beauty's heart.

To be perfectly honest he envied Salvatore. The man was in a position wherein he was able to be so close to the love of his life and was even an integral part of his life that if he was gone too long it would cause great alarm, but in time he himself would be in a position more intimate than that of a best friend. That is if everything works according to plan.

The warlord lazily strolled to the cabernet a little ways to the left of said chair and grabbed a pair of rock glasses from the elaborately engraved hazel wood shelf situated above the quartz and mahogany cabernet, where an assortment of different glasses for a variety of alcoholic beverages were neatly arranged on the shelf or hanging off of specialized hooks or racks.

Setting them gently on the quartz counter top he cast a spell with the simple flourish of his hand and summoned the excess moisture in the room, most of which came from the mini fridges Kervacsus kept in secret compartments in the walls of the manor to protect his secret stash of his favourite Hello kitty ice-cream,

and solidified it into two crystal clear cubes of ice that fell into their respective glasses with a soft clink.

Turning his attention now to the cabernet he opened it and perused through his vast selection of bourbons and whiskeys until one of his more fine, hell bound, bourbons caught his eye.

This particular bottle was crafted in the deeper parts of hell distilled with the souls of the damned and plunged into an eternal abyss for centuries in order to truly encapsulate the taste

of regret and bring out the sweet taste of pure malice that the Demonic overlord oh so very much adored.

The sensation of the warm liquid cascading down his throat, the full bodied taste and the faint sickly sweet scent of roses was one of the many reasons he favoured the unmarked bottle and held it to the highest personal acclaim.

A choice drink for the most exclusive of guests and he considered this particular guest with high enough regard considering what he had heard about of the fall and monumental and ultimately astonishing rise of his clan's empire and he admired a man who could make everything out of nothing with nothing.

Lifting up the bottle and admiring how the light from the overhead lighting refracted through the golden liquid he began thinking of the times gone past, smiling fondly at the thoughts of the parties crashed, the mayhem caused, the friendships made and...the lovers lost.

His fond smile slowly fading into a sour grimace at the last sentiment. Painful memories of traumatic events, abusive partners that left scars in every way possible. The pain he endured by the hands of those he loved, even his supposed father.

He felt himself slowly falling in the darkest pits of his conscious, disassociating himself when the pointed voice of his shadow, Plasmeous reminded him of the gravity of the situation and where he was at that moment and time.

Lord Kervacsus the hydra stirs

Thank you for the kind reminder, now leave us.

Yes master

And indeed his shadow was correct. The air around the hydra had become electrified, a telling sign of an exponentially powerful being gaining consciousness.

Lazerus had given off a similar aura when he had kidnapped him with the subtle difference of his aura being more controlled and his scent more refined. Like fine wine.

That's not the only fine thing about him, that ass. Mmm that tight ass, the things I want to do to that juicy ass of his...

Master please, I urge you to focus on the matter at hand

What are you still doing here, I believe I gave you an order. Dispatch now.

Taking the overall silence as compliance on the part of his shadow Kervacsus poured a generous 4 fingers into each glass and took both into his hands, placing one on the oak coffee table in front of the semi-lucid Salvatore and taking a seat on the plush armchair situated on the other side of the square table.

This arrangement was tactical as it was habitual, it allowed him space to counteract and control his guest, given that he was not restrained, should he choose to attack and gave him the opportunity to look into his eyes and search his soul for the

answers he wanted, no, needed. To stare him down and assert dominance, as primitive as that sounds.

The demo-dragon allowed himself to get comfortable in the presence of a potential threat as a sign that whatever insults or advancements were to be made at him would have no affect and as a challenge to even attempt to come at the king in his own domain.

By now Salvatore was fully awake and aware of his situation choosing to shoot him looks of pure disinterest and unfathomable boredom with a look in his eyes that practically


'Seriously? Ever heard of a phone or writing letters? And are you fucking kidding me with the bourbon, do you have a cat too?'

And as fate would have it his white Persian Peaches sauntered in and leaped onto his lap gracefully and as he began threading his calloused fingers through the cat's long soft fur he brought his glass to his lips and took a painfully long sip, smirking around the glass when he heard the man opposite him groan and watched out of the corner of his eye as the iron emperor, as they called him, rolled his eyes at how cliché he looked, pick up the glass and downed it in one go without even flinching only to

return to staring at him, waiting but not expecting and that was

truly unnerving for the overlord.

Definitely his best friend


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