High Standards

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~~ le TIME SKIP~~

It was quiet, not the weird creepy kind though. It was the sweet blissful, quiet that Lazerus had work so hard for and had looked forward to but alas it never lasted long.

Everything was done. Not a bow, drape or even person out of place. The dance had been perfected (much to the prince’s annoyance).

The invites were sent days earlier and seating arrangements were to everyone’s pleasing.

The food had been prepared and checked for poison and Security was at its peak with the realm’s best trained as well as the most seasoned men and women standing at attention in the barraks during the final rollcall before the biggest event for the ages began.

Lazerus had to be honest with himself, it wasn’t much of a secret either, he liked beautiful things. Simply adored them.

He also took great pride in his work, whatever it may be, and was somewhat of a perfectionist, accepting nothing less than the best and under no circumstances lowered his standards.

As such anything that had his “seal of approval” was not only beautiful and elegant but it was unanimously held to the highest acclaim by the grandee and the many other members fortunate enough to reside in the higher class of supernatural and magical creatures.

The banquet hall was no exception. The doors were snow white with golden rims and edges. The magnificent doors towering
over even the tallest of guests, the gold creeping along the ancient wood to form the family seal.

A large, bold phoenix was depicted soaring to the heavens before a valley, giving the impression of protecting it as well as looming over it. Its’ wings spread out welcoming you yet warding you off.

It was a contrived contradiction within a compelling and resolute statement, is what someone who knew about art would say to everyone it was just beautiful.

The Phoenix, as you could imagine, was a visual representation of the family and their beliefs, with each feather was intricately and individually detailed to fit a member of the family. In place of the noble bird’s eyes sat sapphires staring coldly into your soul all but adding to the glorious artwork that is simply the door.

The guests stood in awe, captivated when the mammoth doors parted. As the light poured through the doors the noble men and women were stunned by the breath taking sight. They had come with high expectations but they paled in comparison to what was reality.


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