Apologies And Forgiveness?

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Everyone, including Kervacsus, was stunned by not only the answer but the carefree nature with which the prince now carried himself. He was never this carefree.

“Uh a-are you sure?” Kervacsus asked, voice shakey and unsure fearful that it was all just a sick joke.

At that moment Kervacsus was so happy that it took all of his restraint to not get up and hug him. Still something was wrong.

The demo dragon was observing the prince’s behaviour and something was off, still he refused to read his mind and invade his privacy further for fear of angering him.

Lazerus only smiled. He had the kind of face a mother would make when they were trying to reassure a child that they weren’t hiding presents somewhere or when they felt superior to another mom at a bake sale.

It was condescending and it made Kervacsus uncomfortable.

“Why of course. Why wouldn’t I?” Lazerus replied overdramatically, putting his hand on his chest and looking taken aback in a mock shock.


“How could anyone turn down such a heartfelt and moving apology? It’s a given is it not?” The Phoenix continued cutting Kervacsus off.

“I… Suppose so.” The overlord replied cautiously, he had an odd feeling about everything but was allowing himself to simply enjoy this.

“Exactly! Now if you will excuse me I have a ceremony to preform and a crown to claim!!” Lazerus exclaimed with so much bravado that Kervacsus was stunned.

The maids hurriedly filtered into the room as if on cue and went to their stations waiting in anticipation, more than aware of how much time was left.

The demonic overlord was shocked, and confused and knelt there, busy running everything that just happened over and over again in his head that he hadn’t even noticed Lazerus walk away and towards the door.

The phoenix stood there holding the door for a while until he realized that Kervacsus hadn’t moved and was still staring at a random tile on the floor.

“Kervacsus?” he called now slightly worried that he might have said something offensive.

Snapped out of his trance the demo dragon whipped his head around frazzled and when he saw that all eyes were on him he scrambled to his feet rather ungracefully and rubbed the back of his neck, sending a sheepish smile in Lazerus’ direction, who returned his smile with one of his own.

Kervacsus could tell that it was a practiced smile, probably used during meetings and such, but he would take what he could get any day with Lazerus.

“Right! It’s your big day and all…Sorry I’ve been holding you up. Bet you’ve still got tons of prep to do huh?”

“Yes, yes I do.”

“Cool, I’ll leave you to that then…I guess I’ll see you in the Hall of Destiny?”


The overlord took a quick breath to compose himself and walk towards the door that the phoenix was still holding, once he took a step out of the door he turned back to face Lazerus.

“Bye I guess?”

“Bye” The prince replied cheerily and slammed the door in his face.

The demo dragon felt so lost and looked around, the hallway was empty, the guards from before probably having had moved on to complete their patrol and gossip.

Kervacsus had begun making his way towards the other guests when a powerful presense stopped him dead in his tracks

Oh shit.

“‘oh shit’ is correct, assuming you have done something questionable to my son.” A stern yet playful female voice announced from behind him, power and authority oozing from
every syllable.

A/N Hi you gorgeous human specimen (and everything in between)
So the pic is what Kervacsus is wearing in my little raisen brain. But!!! What I wanna know is what happens next!!
What will Lazerus' mother say? What is Lazerus himself planning? Will our Demonic hero prevail and win the heart of his love?
Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z!!!

Jk Jk but comment what you think will happen next, don't be shy to ridicule my stupid ass and don't forget to vote!! 😋

- T

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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