Chapter 2

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Sarah's POV

I go sit next to my dad.

He smiles at me, "Thank you, it means a lot," I whisper at him. He gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"So, Sarah, will you be joining the kids at Hogwarts this year?" Molly asked.

"I actually have no clue," I say embarrassed.

She looks at my dads confused, "Has she not gotten a letter?"

Father get's up and goes to the cupboard behind us. He opens a drawer and grabs a pile of letters and puts them in front of me before sitting down again. They were all addressed to me.

"Look, I know we've kept you a secret and have forbidden you to go outside but the word is out now so I don't see why we should keep you from going outside now? It's your choice if you want to go to Hogwarts, plus you might actually have a good teacher to teach you spells instead of your dad," he winks at the both of us and I hold back a laugh.

"Are you serious father? Are you saying I can go to school?" I look at him shocked.

"Sirius are you sure? You're always saying how dangerous it is for her," my dad adds.

"Yes I'm sure, if Sarah wants to go she can," he smiles.

I stand up and hug him, "Thank you," I whisper.

"I love you kid."

"I love you too father," I face towards the group, "Guess I'll be joining you guys at Hogwarts this year."

I could hear the twins say, "Wicked," under their breath.

I spent the rest of the night getting to know everyone, I got to know Hermione a lot better.

At this point I had talked to everyone except the twins.

I turned to the twins, I believe they were called George and Fred. And the one who looked earlier was George, I'm pretty sure of that since he has a bump on his nose that Fred doesn't really have.

We were all in bed by 11:00 PM. Everyone left the next morning to spend their last week of summer together.

The week passed quickly and before I knew it I was at the platform saying goodbye to both my dads.

"Write a letter when you arrive okay!" dad said.

"And if anything's wrong don't hesitate to write either!" father said.

"I'll be fine, I promise," I chuckle a bit.

"I'm going to miss you, sweetheart," my dad had tears in his eyes.

"I'm going to miss you too," I hug both of them and wipe my dad's tears, "I should get going, or I'm going to be too late."

Both of them nod and hug me once more.

I get onto the train and start looking for a compartment to sit, I pass where Hermione is sitting and knock on the door. She was with Harry and Ron, she gestures for me to come in.

"I'm sorry, I was wondering if I could sit here?"'

"Of course you can," she moves a bit, "here take a seat next to me."

I take a seat and smile at them, "Thank you."

"Sarah may I ask you something?" Ron asks and I nod. "Have you really never been outside of that house? Like were you just stuck in there?"

"Ronald!" Hermione hit his arm.

"That hurt!"

"Hermione, it's fine I get that he has that question and no I've never been outside, the platform was my first time... I never really saw it as being stuck inside though, I just saw it as them protecting me."

"I can't believe you've been just one floor up this whole entire time," Harry says.

I simply shrug.

"Sarah, if you ever need anything you can count on us, ok?" Hermione smiles.

"Thank you," I reply and we enjoy the rest of the train ride.

After a while we finally reach the train station. I get up as quickly as I can and made sure I was the first out of the train.

I jump out of the train and see the castle, "Merlin..."

George's POV

I got off the train before Fred, I wasn't really in the mood to see him flirt with Angelina. I'm pretty sure I got off as one of the first people. I look down at the letter my mom put in my pocket, she did this every year, kind of like a goodbye, have fun and see you at Christmas letter. I read it as I was walking and bumped against someone. Both of us falling down on the ground.

"Bloody hell, I am so sor-" I looked up and realized it was Sarah, I quickly stood up and helped her.

"I don't believe we've met, I've watched you though. Shit, I mean, I've seen you at Remus and Sirius'... uhm" I clear my throat, "Let me try that again! Hi, I'm George Weasley."

Great job George.

I quickly wipe the sweat off my palms and hold my hand out. When she accepted it I was both surprised and relieved after that trainwreck of an introduction.

"I've been wondering when you would introduce yourself and stop running away when I tried to talk to you," she chuckled, "I'm Sarah. I kind of figured out you were George a while back, and I've watched you as well?" she laughs a little at what she says.

"You're sure you haven't been checking my brother, Fred, out right?"

I tried to make it sound like a joke but I was honestly worried that she might have confused me and Fred.

"No, definitely you," she smiles.

I smile at what she says and we start walking to the castle, "So, you've never gone out of that house. What do you think life is like then?" I ask her.

"Life is like an ocean," she said silently.

"How?" I replied.

"You'll see," she smiles as we both make our way to the castle getting to know each other along the way.

The Girl Who Was A Secret - George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now