Chapter 21

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Sarah's POV

It's been week's. Every student at Hogwarts had been learning how to use their magic. Parents came to school to help protect it when needed.

No one had heard from Voldemort since that night. Harry's scar hadn't hurt in a while.

Until last night. "Harry... Potter..." was all any of us heard then, but that was enough to know he was back.

Panic broke out in Hogwarts after everyone heard that. Some students, especially younger ones, were running away, looking for a place to hide or to flee. Other students were preparing for the war to support Harry. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't worried about my safety, but more about George's.

Before I could go look for him, Melissa grabbed my hand pulling me along.

"Mel? Where are we going? I need to look for George!"

"George will be fine! Come on!"

She ran into a hallway where we could see the entrance of Hogwarts. "Merlin... Is that?"

"Voldemort? Yeah... and he's not alone."

"How are we supposed to stop all of those people. We're just students..."

"This is what we've been practicing for though..."

"Yes, but now that I see all of that I'm not so sure we'll be able to win."

"We'll be fine, I promise," she looks at me and smiles a little.

"Come on. We have to guard the school passages."

We quickly ran to the school passages. When we arrived we could see George and Fred waiting for us. I ran to George and hugged him.

"Looks like it's just the four of us here..." Fred said.

"Why didn't we hang out more? Just the four of us?" George added.

"We'll have plenty of opportunities after this," I smiled.


Just like that the shield that the teachers had made was gone. Dementors and Death Eaters storming the castle.

I looked at George and he looked back, taking my hand. "We'll be alright love."

"I love you George."

"I love you Sarah."

And with those words two Death Eaters had appeared. They started yelling all sorts of spells at us, us blocking each one. "Everte Statum!" I yelled, the Death Eater gets thrown backwards in the air.

"Expelliarmus!" George added, making him lose his wand. I knew it was up to me to say the next spell, but I couldn't. "Come on, Sarah!"

"I- I can't."

George looks at me and slowly nods, showing me he understands. "Avada Kedavra!"

And just like that the Death Eater was dead.

"Guys, you two need to go to the other passage's! We've got this one!" Mel yelled at us while fighting a Death Eater.

George and I nodded and started running, being stopped halfway by a Dementor. "Expecto Patronum!" the magpie flies out of my wand making the Dementors go away. George smiled at me, "Not now George, come on!"

We both started running again. We joined my dad in a passage, "Where's father?"

"He's with Athur and Molly, don't worry he'll be okay," dad tells, "Be safe. I love you Sarah."

"I love you dad," I said back before George and I started running again.

We ended up in a passage fighting every Death Eater that tried to pass. George was fighting one but he ended up having to back up, having to block each spell the Death Eater threw at him, leaving me alone in the passage.

Another one sneaked up behind me, catching me off guard and grabbing me by the neck. I hit him by using my elbow to hit him in the stomach. He let's me go and I yell, "Expulso!" An explosion happens and I start running.

The Death Eater appears in front of me after a while of running, "Not so fast you, Imperio!"

I block the spell, "Expelliarmus!"

The Death Eater looked at me, anger filled his eyes. "You little-"


And with that he was on the floor, going insane. I start walking again, fighting everyone that wants to destroy Hogwarts.

I could feel myself getting weaker by every person I stopped from destroying Hogwarts. Just when I backed up and walked backwards I felt someone's back against mine. I clenched my fingers around my wand and took a deep breath.

Within seconds I turned around and pointed my wand at the person. "Thank God, it's only you," I sighed in relief.

"I really thought you were going to kill me for a second," George laughed.

""I could never," I smiled before kissing him.

"Love, you look horrible," he said, wiping the blood off my face.

"Wow, thanks George. I have no idea why."

He chuckles a bit, "Are you alright though? Your upper lip is bleeding pretty hard."

"I'm fine George, don't worry abo-"

Just like that I got thrown backwards. I quickly stand up grabbing my wand.

"You two done yet?" I recognized that voice immediately. Bellatrix Lestrange.

"Hello aunt..."

"Well well well... looks like dear old cousin let his daughter out of that house," she smiles at me, in her own wicked way.

"I guess so."

"Even got yourself a little boyfriend, I see."

George was looking at the both of us, holding his wand tight.

"How's dad doing dear?"

"He's fine he's in the pa-"

"Not anymore," she laughs wickedly.

"What did you do!"

"Let's say that your dad is a ghost now, just like my cousin..."

They're gone.

Both of them.

She killed them.

The tears started forming in my eyes, anger filling me up. "You didn't!"

"Oh but I did Sarah, and you're next."

She started throwing all sorts of spells at me, George doing his best to block them for me.

"Petrificus Totalus!" I yelled, making it impossible for her to move. I slowly walked towards her, "This is for my fathers. Avada Kedavra!"

She disappeared and I fell to the ground. My dads were gone. I didn't even get to say goodby to them. George hugged me tight. "I'm sorry."

"T- they're gone..." I cried.

"I know, but love we need to go. Now. Before we get killed."

I slowly got up and started running with George again.

Dead bodies were everywhere. Not only Death Eaters, bodies of students, teachers and parents as well.

We stopped in another passage. George and I looked outside and then back to each other. My attention went to the Death Eater that appeared behind George, who was pointing his wand at George. I look back at George.

"Remember I love you. More than you can ever imagine."

"I know that. I love you, that will never change."

I give him a little smile, "And I'm so sorry for this."

The Girl Who Was A Secret - George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now