Chapter 16

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George's POV

We said our goodnights and we headed upstairs. Sarah and I go into my room and we get into the bed, her head laying on my chest.


"Yes love?"

"Could you maybe read for me?"

I was hesitant because I don't want to stumble over my words and embarrass myself in front of her. Don't get me wrong, I know I'm smart, it's just Percy is known as the intelligent Weasley while Fred and I were the practical jokers. Therefore I fell into that specific role, because no one took me seriously. Anytime a professor called me to read in class you could practically see them waiting for me to mess up. I don't want to let on that I'm self conscious and I'll try to make light of the situation.

I grab one of her favorite books 'Pride and Prejudice' and start reading, joking around as I read to her. I use different voices for all of the different characters and dramatically act out scenes to make Sarah laugh. I was practically reading to her like my mom did for me when I was younger.

As I continue to read, I notice she's actually taking me seriously. She's not waiting for me to mess up like my professors. I get more comfortable and read to her quietly. I run my fingers through her hair. She looks up and smiles while I continue to read.

I keep reading, my voice getting softer as she drifts off to sleep. I see her fully asleep and slowly bookmark the page and close the book, putting it back on the nightstand. I cuddle up to her and close my eyes.

I wake up the next morning and turn around, opening my eyes slowly and seeing Sarah. I could see her slowly waking up as well and smile a little at her.

"You're staring, Georgie."

I chuckle lightly and plant a soft kiss on her forehead, "Good morning, Sarah."

"Good morning, George."

"I like waking up to you in the mornings."

"I enjoy it too," she smiles.

"Do you want to start the last day of the year off with some coffee?"

"Coffee sounds nice."

"Okay, I'll be right back," I smile at her before getting out of bed and heading downstairs for some coffee.

Sarah's POV

The last day of 1994.

I quickly get out of George's bed and head to the shower. George wasn't back yet when I got back into his room. I grab my bag of makeup and sit on the floor in front of his mirror that was against the wall.

George's POV

I head back upstairs and enter my room, completely overwhelmed by the different kinds of product that were in front of Sarah.

Sarah's POV

I turn around looking at George who looked like he had just seen a ghost. "You okay, Georgie?"

"Uh.. yes?"

He walks towards me and gives me the coffee before taking a seat next to me. "Thank you, love," I give a kiss on his cheek before continuing to do my makeup.

From the corner of my eye I could see George get really close and staring at me while I put on the makeup, playing with everything on the floor.

"What's this for?"

I look up and see him looking at a mascara brush, "That's for your lashes."

"Oh," I smile at him and look back into the mirror. He puts the bottle back down and grabs something else. "And what about this?"

The Girl Who Was A Secret - George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now