Chapter 10

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Melissa's POV

"Cedric," I call his name just above a whisper, hoping he can hear me. "Ced, are you there?" After a moment of silence, I consider walking away, thinking he must not be within hearing range and I don't want to disturb the other champions.

But then an arm reaches out and I'm pulled through the back of the tent by my bicep. I let out a yelp of surprise that became muffled by my face coming in contact with the fabric covering a muscular chest. It's not hard for me to tell by the familiar scent of honey and sandalwood as well as the comforting arms that surround me, that Cedric did in fact hear me.

"I'm so happy to see you," I murmur, circling my hand around his torso as I let myself collapse into his hug. I'd be the biggest liar on the face of the Earth if I said I wasn't worried to death for him.

"Me too," he pulls back slightly whilst still having me in his arms, and gives me a smile.

"How are you doing- with the dragons and all?"

"I'm great," his smile falters, telling me otherwise.

"Ced," my eyebrows knit together in concern.

"I-I'm- honestly, I'm scared," he admits, looking away from me.

"It's okay to be scared," I reassure him. "But you're also brave, and I know you can pull this off."

When his eyes look at mine again, he smiles a little.

"Thank you Mel, I should probably get going now though"

I nod at him and smile. I quickly hug him, "Be careful Ced."

"Of course" he smiles.

I make my way back to the stands and stand next to the twins. I was worried sick for my brother but I knew I couldn't show it or he would be worried himself.

"Will you be attending the Yule Ball?" Fred asks as he moves a bit closer to me.

I turn my head to be met with the most adorably blushed cheeks, a slight smirk, and an overall very good-looking Fred as he stands next to me with his hands shoved casually in his pockets.

"With how well I've been performing in the dance lessons, I think Professor McGonagall might hex me if I don't," I chuckle, fully turning around so I can have a proper conversation with him.

"Well, if you don't have a date yet, I was wondering if you'd like to go with me?"

"Oh, Freddie, I-I'm so sorry," sympathy takes over my features as I apologize. "I-It's just that Blaise already asked me and he was mighty desperate," I laugh, thinking about my best friend outside of our little group practically begging me so that he didn't end up going alone.

"Oh, that's okay," his eyes shift downwards and he definitely doesn't sound like he's okay.

"I'm really sorry, Fred," I reach forward to give his arm a gentle squeeze. He tilts his head back up to look into my eyes and perk up as a thought comes to mind, "Maybe I could make it up to you?"

He tries his best to bite back a smile at the suggestion, catching his bottom lip between his perfect teeth. And then, as if he were trying to make up for all the other missed opportunities he has had in the past, he steps forward and cups the side of my face as quickly as my playful grin appears and—

"Oi, Fred!" A voice interrupts our moment for the umpteenth time. I almost roll my eyes at how all too familiar this scenario has become. Breaking away from Fred I see an easily recognizable Slytherin approaching. "Trying to steal my date, are ya?" Blaise joins us, casually slinging an arm around my shoulders. Crossing my arms casually, I look between a rosy-cheeked Fred and your smirking best friend. "It's all right ya know— we're not dating, but I've got this cheeky one under reserve for the ball," He pinches my cheek as he speaks, like the goofball he is around me.

"Yeah, and I accepted out of pity," I tease him, moving away from him so he doesn't have his arm around me anymore as he pretends to be hurt.

"Speaking of which, we've got a lot of practicing to do," he says.

"Oi I think McGonagall has made me practise enough idiot."

He rolls his eyes playfully, "I'm going to go join Malfoy and Pansy. I'll see you later." I nod and watch as he walks away.

I look back to see Fred rubbing the back of his neck out of light frustration and I quickly say "I'm sorry, if I knew you wanted to go with m-"

I get cut off by his lips kissing mine.

Oh Merlin this is happening. Finally.

I smile and kiss him back. It sounds cheesy even for me but it felt like fireworks were erupting. We both pull back and smile.

"Took you long enough, Weasley," I turned back to the front so I could see everything happening with the dragons. He didn't reply but in the corner of my eye I could see him smile a little and turn to the front as well.

That's when Cedric came out.

"Come on Ced!" I yelled at him.

He looks up and smiles at me. He takes a deep breath and gets started on his task. Everytime that bloody dragon came near to him I could feel my heart stop. But the minute he finally got that stupid egg I cheered as loud as I could.

When we all got back to Hogwarts and I saw Cedric again I ran up to him and hugged him. "I knew you could do it!"

"Did you ever doubt me then sis?"

"Wha- no- I- of course not."

"I'm messing with you. Thank you," he smiles at me and we make our way to the Great Hall. "Hey Mel?"

I look up at him and nod as we walk into the Great Hall.

"What's going on with you and Weasley?"

"With Ron? Nothing why?"

"I meant Fred."

"Oh uhm..." I look away and see the familiar red-head at the Gryffindor table talking with George and Sarah.

"You like him right?

"Yeah," I smile and look at Cedric again. "I really do actually."

"Go for it then, forget going to the ball with Blaise. Ask him!"

"I can't do that to Blai- You know what? I actually will ask Fred..."

"Good. I'll see you after dinner, okay?" I nod and hug him before going our separate ways to eat our dinner.

The Girl Who Was A Secret - George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now