Chapter 19

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Sarah's POV

"Congrats Cedric!" I hugged him, "You did amazing!"

"Thank you Sarah," he smiled.

"Still can't believe Cho was down there for you instead of me," Melissa said annoyed, making me chuckle a little.

"Aww is my little sis a bit jealous," Cedric teased her.

"You know what? Yeah I am. Can't believe the girl with the most annoying voice in school is more important to you then your own sister."

"I didn't really decide who got to be down there Mel."

"Would you seriously have liked it more if you were down there in the cold water around creepy merpeople, waiting for him to come save you?" I chuckled.

"Hey! What did I ever do to you Sarah?" Cedric said, pretending to be hurt by my little comment.

"Now that she puts it like that though... I actually liked it more here."

"Rude," Cedric rolled his eyes. Mel and I laughed. "Will I see you two idiots at the Hufflepuff party tonight?"

"Oh yeah!" Mel yelled excited.

"Sorry Ced, I can't. I have to study," I sighed. I wanted to go but I couldn't. Snape and his stupid assignments.

"Come on you have to go!"

"Mel, I'm sure you and Cedric will have a great time without me."

"No they're right though. You have to go. Can't miss a party that's being hosted for your favorite Hufflepuff right?"

"Who said you're my favorite Hufflepuff Cedric?"

"Am I not then?"


"You've never even spoken to a different Hufflepuff."

"I have!"

"Name 1!"

"Hannah Abbott! I have spoken to her many times in the library!"

"Yeah, right," he scoffed.

"Okay, if the two of you are done arguing like little kids..." Melissa interrupted us, "Just come to the party Sarah! George will be there!"

"George doesn't have a huge potions task."

"Fine, be the buzz kill."

I felt two hands snake around my waist. "What are you 3 talking about?" George asks.

"You're girlfriend won't come to the party tonight," Mel crossed her arms at me.

"You're not?"

"I'm not," I turned around and looked at George who had a confused look on his face.

"Why not, love?"

"Snape gave me an assignment and I need to finish it."

"And that can't wait?"

"Not really," I shrugged.

"Come on, I'll be there. Doesn't that make you want to go?"

"Don't try George, I've already tried that," Mel sighed.

"What if I help you finish the assignment? If it's not too late we can still go, right?" George looked at me.

"I suppose so, yeah."

"Come on then," he takes my hand, "let's get this assignment done," he starts dragging me back to the castle.

We sit in the library for ages, trying to finish the assignment. "I think this is it," I say to him.

The Girl Who Was A Secret - George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now