Chapter 6

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Sarah's POV

Later that day I found myself in the detention hall with both George and Fred, alongside a few other misbehaving students.

After what felt like an eternity, Snape put his head down to mark some work and I felt like I could finally breathe.

A paper bird landed onto my desk, bringing me back into the real world.

The note simply read:

'I'm sorry for getting you into trouble'

I turned around discreetly to be met by George, who gave me a gentle smile, and I was holding in quite possibly the biggest smile I have ever had before.

"Merlin, why does he get me to blush so easily," I mumbled to myself whilst reading the note, but before I knew it George's message started to disappear, and the ink began to write the last words I spoke.

Of course, George had used magical ink. "Oh no no no" I began to panic quietly, frantically trying to think of a spell that would erase the words on the note. Yet, my anxious mind only hindered my time and the note began to transform into a paper bird and fly behind me towards George's seat.

I started to sink into my chair, literally face palming at the thought of George reading those words. I was so embarrassed that right then and there I had sworn I just wouldn't open my mouth for the rest of the year.

Since I hadn't got another note back and I hadn't turned around to check, I prayed that the paper bird had just got lost on the way back to him.

Once detention had finished I collected my books and rushed out of Snape's classroom, faster than I ever had before.

"Oi! Sarah! where are you off too?" George's voice unexpectedly called after me, causing myself to freeze in my tracks.

"Just uhm, the common room," I reply without looking back to face him, maybe everything was alright after all, and maybe George really hadn't seen my note.

"Great, I'll walk you", I heard George's footsteps get closer and closer to me, before finally gaining the courage to face him in hopes of his cluelessness.

"Oh by the way, this is for you," George opened his two hands to reveal a paper bird, pecking at his palm, "couldn't have gave it to you back then of course, Snape was watching me like a hawk," he laughed before allowing the bird to flutter into my hands.

My heart sank while opening the note, with a sick feeling in my stomach.

'Sarah, I honestly have no clue how I do it... Just so you know you make me blush pretty fast too, that sounded weird... '

I giggled slightly, feeling a sense of relief yet still feeling extremely anxious.

"So I know the yule ball is still two and a half months to go, but I was wondering if you would maybe go with me?" he was fidgeting with his fingers.


"Uhm... yeah, really," he smiled a little, "I'm sure about a billion other guys have asked you. I mean who wouldn't, you're really pretty and have an amazing personality. And you're probably going with Cedric but I was hoping you would consider going with me..?"

"I would love to go with you George," I smile at him, and his little smile from before became one of the biggest smiles I have ever seen on his face.

"Great, I'll see you at dinner Sarah."

"I'll see you at dinner." I smiled and he left walking to the common room.

George's POV

I walk into Fred and mine's room and fall down on my bed, "I bloody love detention."

"What has gotten into you?" Fred laughed.

"Well you see," I sat up in my bed, "So I wrote this note to Sarah saying I was sorry for getting her in detention-"

"Yeah I know, I was with you the whole time you were freaking out about if you should write it or not," he cut me off.

I rolled my eyes at my twin and continued, "So the next thing I know this note came back and I didn't think she meant for it to appear on the paper but it read: Merlin, why does he get me to blush so easily."

"Wait really?"

"Yeah! And then she stormed out of detention as you saw and I gave her the note back I was supposed to give during detention but Snape was just watching me. And she got all cute and giggly and-"

"What did you write?"

"Doesn't matter..."

"George. What did you write?"

"Sarah, I honestly have no clue how I do it... Just so you know you make me blush pretty fast too, that sounded weird..."

Fred fell on his bed and sighed, "That's so weird George!"

"I know, I know! But wait, so you know how I've been freaking out about asking her to the yule ball?"

"Yeah, you decided not to cause you were sure she was going with Mel's brother Cedric."

"Well get this, she's going with me!"

"No way!" he sat up. "You asked her?"

"Yeah, I did. In my own awkward way, but I did."

"Took you long enough George."

I just laughed at his response and laid back down on my bed again, thinking about how the night of the yule ball with Sarah would be like.

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