Chapter 3

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Sarah's POV

I was glad I finally met George, "So when you enter the castle you can expect McGonagall waiting for you so you could get sorted into your house. There's Ravenclaw, all the smart kids are in there. Hufflepuff, most kids have some weird thing with plants but they're really nice and loyal. Slytherin, known for well... being bad I guess. And last but not least, the best house, Gryffindor!!"

I laugh when he says this and he continues talking about all the pranks he has done with his brother the last few years.

When we reached the castle and entered, professor McGonagall was indeed waiting for me.

"Miss Lupin-Black, how pleased I am to finally see you," she smiles at me and I give her one as well, "Is it alright if I take you with me so I can get you sorted?"

I nod and follow her to the Great Hall. "Wow..."

"Please take a seat," McGonagall pointed at the chair so I go sit on it. At this point the Great Hall was filled with students all sitting at their house tables. She grabs this weird looking hat and puts it on top of my head.

"Interesting... I can sense that you are capable of demonstrating bravery and leadership, you see a greater challenge in yourself in becoming bold and courageous... must be... GRYFFINDOR!"

I stand up and head over to the Gryffindor table which is cheering loudly. I decide to go sit next to George who greeted me with, "Welcome to the best house in Hogwarts!"

I laughed at his words and glanced over at the other redheaded twin who was sitting across George, "I'm Sarah."

"Fred," he smiled.

After all the first years were sorted we started eating.

After dinner the prefects lead their houses to the common rooms. George and I were talking on the way when one of the stairs suddenly moved making me lose my balance. He took my hand pulling me up, "Careful love, the stairs move."

"Thanks for the heads up," I chuckle.

That's when it hit me. Love. He called me love. I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach and smile.

We continue talking and enter the common room, I look around. "This place just keeps surprising me."

George laughs, "I can imagine how you feel."

"Okay everyone listen up, this year we are going to do some changes in the dormitories! first until third years share a room, fourth until sixth share a room, and seventh years you guys have rooms to yourself!" one of the prefects called, "So decide who you want to share a room with and come get your keys!" I immediately look at Hermione and she nods.

We go over to one of the prefects, "Is there a room for two left by any chance?" Hermione asks.

"You're in luck, this is the last one," the prefect gives us a key and writes our names down on a piece of paper. We quickly grab our trunks and head up to the girls dormitories.

"This is it," she says and unlocks the door. We both entered the room and you could see two beds, one near a window and one against the wall. Attached to it was a small bathroom. "Is it alright if you sleep at the window? I tend to get cold when I sleep and I don't think sleeping next to a window will help."

"Of course!" I put my trunk next to my bed and go sit on the bed.

"So I see you and George finally talked," she grabbed a book from her trunk

"Oh yeah, he bumped into me and finally introduced himself."

"You seem to enjoy yourself around him," she smiles at me.

"He seems really fun, I was thinking of asking George and Fred if they wanted t-"

"Did you just say George and Fred?"

"Yes...?" I look at her confused, "Is that a problem?"

"No it's just, everyone calls them Fred and George it's weird to hear it differently," she laughs a bit.

"Oh right..." I grab some sweatpants and a sweater from my trunk, "I'm going to go change, I'll be right back."

Hermione nods and I go into the bathroom. I put on the clothes I bought into the bathroom and wipe the makeup off my face. I quickly throw my hair into a ponytail and go back into the room.

"I think I'm going to go to the common room for a bit, I'll see you later."

"See you later, oh and don't forget your key there's a big chance I might be sleeping when you come back," Hermione chuckles and throws me the key.

I catch it, "Thank you, goodnight."

"Goodnight," she smiles at me and I close the door when I leave.

I head downstairs and see that our schedules were put on a table, they were practically thrown on the table making it a mess. Having OCD made it crazy to look at it. I make sure they're all on top of each other neatly and ordered by year and I grab mine taking a seat on one of the sofa's. I study it, I actually had some really good classes and my hours were alright. I see a redhead run past me and up to the boy dormitories. I heard some sobs along the way, I tried to see who it was and after a few minutes I was sure it was George.

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