Chapter 3: The Heat

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It's been three weeks since what happened in the forest with Lace, and she then after that stopped talking to me.

No text.

No calls.

No voicemails.


And I wonder, " What the fuck went wrong?"

No point trying to text her, cause she just straight up ignoring me.

I got up and went to the closet, and picked out some clothes to go out in. Today, I'm probably gonna just go to some park, and just chill.


Wonder who's calling me.

I walk towards my phone, and pick it up.

I froze.

Lace. Call. Phone.

Let's just see what she says, shall we?

"Hello?" I answer.

"Mmmmua-ERIC! HI! Can I come over-mmm AH sorry! COMING OVer mmAAA-"

I ended that call before it can get any damn weirder.

I don't know in the fuck's name was that, but that was weird.

It seemed like she was moaning, probably having sex with Chris.

Why would I be surprised? Seniors do damn crazy shit.

Anyways, guess I'm staying here.

6 minutes later, there's heavy knocking at the door.

I run downstairs, and open the door.

Lace is there, and has a bag of something, and she seems like she's not in a bad mood.

"Hey, wanna just come upstairs? Nothing really here in the living room." I said.

"Uh, sure, let's go to your room." She quickly states.

When we get to my room, I turn around and see Lace looking at me, just staring at me.

What's she looking at me for?

Did I do something wrong?

"What's wrong, Lace?" I asked.

She opened her mouth like she was gonna say something, but she then closed her mouth and just looked down at the floor.

We just sat there, in our own spaces, in the same room, for I don't even know how long.

It was like we knew what we wanted to say, but instead we couldn't say anything, because we were scared of each other's reaction.

Suddenly, she gets up, and comes toward where I am.

I was startled, because I didn't know what she was going to do next.

"Do you really want to know why I'm here?" Lace said, in a tone I don't think I've heard before.

I shook my head no.

She then comes forward, and sits on my lap, facing me.

"I want to do it with you, Eric."

Say what now?

I didn't understand what she said, until I repeated it in my head 5 to 7 times.


Am I ready though?

I'm 18, but I had sex before. But damn I don't think it because I loved the person. More like lust was more into it.

What the hell am I supposed to do?

Before I could say anything, she cradles my head with her hands, and just kisses me with the damn of all the passion she had.

I'm kissing her back, and soon we get into something, and I'm not telling you, because I'm keeping this part PG, you nasty people.

Anyways, 34 minutes later, we were just laying in my bed, her head on my chest, and me looking at the ceiling.

If someone told me sex was that fucking good, shit I would be having sex left and right.

"Hey, Eric? Can I ask you something?" Lace said, now for some reason kissing my cheek.

I then look at her, and to be honest, I don't know why I haven't said I love her to her earlier in our friendship.

She's the answer the whole time. She's the one I want to be with.

"Sure, shoot."

"Ok, you might not like this, but could we keep this a secret, just in general?"

"Then let's run away."


"Fine, I won't."


I then got tensed hearing his name.

"What about him?"

"Um, I can't break up with him." Lace says quietly.

And my heart shattered.

I mean, what did I expect her to do? Call him right now and tell him that she wanted to break up with him?

I didn't know what to do.


"Don't fucking talk to me." I said, with pure sad and anger oozing from in my voice.

I got off my bed and grabbed my pants from the floor.

Why does always the girl you care, the girl you love, the girl you would do anything for to be with them, the girl that makes you legit fucking happy whenever they are in the room, just seem to not get what you want?

I went downstairs, and sat in the kitchen.

Maybe I should just run away and just restart with whole new chapter, or honestly kill myself, or to be honest, just tell her how I feel about everything.

Yeah, maybe the last choice is probably the best one.

While I'm just sitting there thinking about what I'm planning to say, I see Lace in the corner of my eye standing in front of the kitchen, looking down at the floor. She's playing with her fingers, maybe thinking of what to say.

"Maybe we shouldn't...," I said quietly.

"We shouldn't what, Eric?"

Should I just say it...or just leave it alone?

Fuck, now I'm just indecisive right now.

"Eric, please, whatever your thinking, please it doesn't have to be that way, ok? I know that I have Chris, but he isn't-"

I don't have no fucking restraint over myself, and that's exactly why I walked to her, brung her close to me, and said this:

"Why would I love you all this time, and now lose you, Lace? Why would I do that?" I looked in her eyes, and I just knew she felt the same way, I just knew it.

So why would she be with him, when she loves me more?

"Love me, Lacey, just love me."

And with that, she came close and put a soft kiss on my lips.

 Why did she make me feel this way?

Why did she make me feel like I was wanted, like I was loved, like why did she make me feel like no girl was more important than her?

This is why I love her.

This is why I want to be with her.

She's my everything.

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