the letter

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new day, the morning has come yet again. dream woke up from his slumber, feeling well rested which is a first. the first thing he thought about was about the sheets of paper that littered the floor, how messy his room became in only one afternoon. 

he didn't want to clean his room, he didn't want to pick up the paper. he just got up, and sat straight at his desk. he stared at the blank sheet of paper in front of him, his fresh mind blank from any sort of thought. 

he hesitantly picked up his dull tipped pencil, ready to continue his letter. his mind was blank, he couldn't seem to think of anything. usually, his thoughts speedily cloud his mind. today was different. he played some music, hoping that'll help.

the sheet of paper laid there, untouched. he eventually gives up, using the internet to find something clever and cool to write. there were many good letter starters, specifically for people who were new to the concept of penpals.

that seemed to help dream a lot as he his scribbles were sprawled all over the sheet. he wanted his thoughts on paper, he thought it'll help come up with good ideas. he felt confident that he could make a good letter now. it's only morning but the day was getting better already.

writing made him hungry, so he ordered food. he was thinking about cool ideas while his food came, his mind drifting from the letter to the penpal. he didn't a single thing about the penpal besides the basics, yet here he was stressing over a letter to said penpal. he laughed, he hopes his penpal can feel the effort and intentions within his letter.

he was zoned out, only the ringing of his doorbell brought him back. he got up, shuffling to the door. he smiled, getting the meal, and thanking the delivery driver. he closes the door softly, setting his food onto the table. he opens the bag, the contents inside making his stomach grumble. 

he watches youtube videos as he eats, his light laughter echoing through his home. he sits at the table for twenty more minutes, eating and laughing are the only things dream was doing. he finishes, throwing his trash away. he then walks up to his room, slouching in his chair. he spends all of his days in his chair, but he doesn't mind.

he's faced with the same dilemma, struggling with what to write. he knows what he wants to write, just not sure how to express it on paper. he was having a hard time, but he didn't give up. he didn't want to give up because it's difficult, that's not who he is. he sighs, he's trying his best.

"what if my penpal is waiting for my letter and i'm just sitting here? I need to hurry up, they need my letter. I can't disappoint them." he focuses, feeling better.

dream uses his scribbles and mind to figure out what to write. he ends up writing something polite, but sweet. he doesn't want to scare away his penpal, he wants to greet them with open arms. he's confident that they'll like it, maybe enough to send one back.

to my penpal george,

hello, it's nice to meet you! you gave me your address on the penpal website! my name is dream and i'm twenty two! I also live in the us but you know this stuff already! i'd like to know more about you as well! I want to use this letter to ask you about things I don't know about you. you don't have to answer all of them, i'd just thought you'd like options! 

question one, do you have any pets?

question two, what's life like in the uk (i've never been)?

question three, do you have any boundaries? boundaries being things you don't want to be asked about, or things you don't like. i'd like to know, i'd hate to make you feel uncomfortable. 

last question! are you very social? do you have a lot of friends? I guess that's two but they're tied together. thank you for giving me this opportunity, this is all very new to me and I really appreciate it. much love from the us, of course!

p.s. here's also a photo of my cute cat, it's a treat! haha

with sincerity, dream! :)

he was pleased with his letter, he liked how he wrote it. he thought it needed some color, something special. he added a photo of his cat, who doesn't live with him but he loved all the same. he also added some random doodles and stickers, just like the envelope so they match.

he got up, stretching out. there was a feeling he'd never felt before, a feeling of accomplishment. he was actually able to do something out the ordinary, he actually went through with it, he felt good. now, it was time to send it off to the uk. he was excited, he was actually able to finish it in one day, almost. 

he got dressed quickly, taking his keys and phone, heading out the door. he drove with awful pop music blaring, humming along. after only a couple minutes, he made it to the postal office. he walked in, waiting patiently in the line of people in front of him. 

dream stood there for no longer than ten minutes, paying for the letter to be sent abroad. he then walked out, his energy was like no other. he felt like a new man, all because of that one letter he sent. he doesn't even know if he'll get a response, but the fact that he tried to change his boring routine makes him joyful.

he didn't think he would feel this accomplished, he thought it would be hard to change something so consistent. he was pleasantly surprised, he was ready. the thing on his mind is his penpal's letter. would he even get one? probably not, but it doesn't hurt to believe.

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