a heartfelt message

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dream had spent almost an hour reading and reading the same letter over and over. he couldn't seem grasp the concept of this in the beginning, but now he loves it and hopes to write to his penpal soon. he wants to write something sweet back, his penpal george deserves it. 

he thinks his penpal has a hard time expressing himself verbally, but is good at writing his feelings. dream understands, he's the same. the energy that was emitted from the letter was so soft, he felt like george was a friend for years. he's so considerate, but he does seem confused.  

it seemed like his penpal has never had friends, but there's no way. a guy so kind and considerate has to have friends. maybe that's a question he can add to his letter. he wants to know so much about his penpal, he just gives off a certain vibe. he also wonders what his penpal could sound like? dream had many questions, but unsure if it would be bothersome to add them. he'd probably end up using many pages, his curiosity would eat him up.

he wanted to write something that could be remembered, something with weight. there's so many thoughts that raced through his mind, he needed paper to keep it contained. he raced to his desk, grabbing a sheet of paper and scribbling all his thoughts.

would he even be able to put his own thoughts on paper? he wasn't sure this time, it wanted it to seem genuine as possible. he didn't know how to properly explain his thoughts onto paper in a nice and gentle way. not sure what to in this situation, he chose to watch youtube to calm himself down.

he sat there for what only felt like fifteen minutes, but it was actually two hours. his mind was blank, clear of everything that had happened earlier. in all honestly, dream didn't know what he could possibly write back.

he was so insecure in his writing abilities, he didn't think he could portray his emotions accurately. he already felt connected to his penpal, how would he explain that without sounding weird? should he even mention it?

he wasn't sure where to start, just like the first time he tried this. he kept his scribbles from last time, so that's helpful. he wanted to be nothing but sincere, so he had to think about his words very carefully. he sat there, deep in thought.

this was harder than it seemed, it stressed dream more than he expected. this was the only the second time, so he just needed to calm down. this wasn't going to get him anywhere. was there any way he could thank his penpal without sounding like a complete creep?

his thoughts, they were all over the place just as before. he gave up with trying to write his best, choosing to just write normally and tell his penpal the intention. dream needed to just let his hand on the paper, and whatever happens, happens. 

he thought back to what george had wrote, his writing tip and his suggestions. he shouldn't stress himself out,  and he should know why he's writing back. he knew why he writing, he just needed to let the ink flow onto the paper.

pencil in hand, he started writing away. dream was not sure what he was writing, but he wrote what he thought, anyway. he made sure to let his penpal know that he did this with no thought about it, and that the letter was meant to be heartfelt. he ended up using two pages like his penpal. he wanted everything to be known.

he was pleased, he thought that should be just fine. he retrieved an envelope, decorating it differently than before. he was beaming that he didn't stress out and just wrote what his heart thought. he knew this would be a memorable letter, there was a lot to read.

to george,

I wanted to let you know beforehand that this is meant to be heartfelt and with good intentions, so don't take anything the wrong way. but, anyway, you wrote a lot in your previous letter so I thought it would make sense that I do the same. I also will answer all your questions, and I will write something else but that's towards the end.

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