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dream had realized what he'd written right after leaving the postal office. it was almost like he was flirting in the letter. he was getting too bold, that wasn't a good thing. he wasn't going to get a response, he was frustrated at himself. he could only pray his letter wasn't as creepy as he made it out to be.

since he dropped off the letter at the postal office, he'd been too nervous to leave his room. if he didn't receive a letter, he'd feel guilty. if he did receive a letter, he'd dread opening it. he knew there was no winning. he can't even remember most of what he wrote, but he knew a lot of it was compliments toward his writing. 

he just knew he was screwed, he was done. he felt guilty putting his penpal in such a uncomfortable situation. there was no coming back from that, he could only own up to his mistake. what was he to do?

"why would you do that? to a stranger, too, my god." he scolded himself.

maybe he should've thought before sending the letter, he should've rewrote it. he should probably start looking for a new penpal. but, first he needed to leave his room. he had to get the mail he'd been avoiding, letting it pile up in his mailbox.

he walked shamefully to his mailbox, snatching all the mail and speeding to his house. he shut the door, throwing all the mail onto his kitchen counter. he was too nervous to check his mail one by one, so he ran into his room. 

he was sure there was no letter, but he still didn't want to look. he'd have to check his mail eventually, so he might as well go. there was probably something of importance in the pile.

"you need to chill, it'll be fine." he reassured himself, his palms grew sweaty. he was hesitant, but walked to his kitchen counter. he eyed the pile of various envelopes, looking through them one by one. 

his eyes darted to the colorful envelope that was buried under. he pulled it out, inspecting it. it had familiar handwriting, he knew who wrote this. he smiled, he was supposed to feel guilty but he couldn't help being excited he actually got another reply. 

his heart was warmed, opening the envelope carefully. he reached in and pulled out two sheets of decorated brown paper. he didn't know what was he expecting in the letter, but he just wanted his penpal to not be weirded out by his gross comments.

the writing came into view, all of it looked neat and pretty. he took a deep breath, ready for anything that could come his way.

to dream,

thank you so much for being so sweet, it honestly warms my heart. there were some things I didn't expect but I liked it regardless. I didn't know you liked my writing that much, that made me really happy. i'd never been written that before, I really appreciate it. I was blushing like a loser the whole time.

I mean, when you have little to no social interaction it happens. also thank you for the writing the intentions, it made the letter so much more special. I want to get to know you more, if that's okay. you're very interesting to me, i'm not sure why. I wish I could get more of your handwriting, it's really nice. I think you also should become an author, you write really well. it's attractive...

you'd think i'd be more weirded out by how much you complimented me, but I felt more enamored by it. I never get complimented, so your comments mean everything to me. but, if I were to ever meet you in person, I wouldn't even be able to open my mouth. i'd take one good look at you and run away.

anyways, you described things about me based on my letters, you were extremely accurate. I didn't think my writing style would come off to others as cute, but since you mentioned it, I guess i'm okay with it. I did mention I was shy before, so maybe that's where the shy energy came from? not sure. I also am reserved, like very very reserved. I didn't think you'd be able to get that from my letters? that's really cool..

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