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what's he supposed to do now? mail has come in again, he sees an envelope with familiar handwriting. he was nervous, he didn't know what to do. dream couldn't believe he actually got a response. he knew what was going to written inside, so all he did was smile sadly.

his palms were sweaty, eyeing the envelope. what was he to do now? he didn't expect this, he almost didn't want to open it. he was debating opening it, he didn't want to get hurt. he didn't want to ruin himself.

but, as all things go he opened it hesitantly. he peeked inside, seeing one sheet instead of the usual two sheets of paper. he pulls it out, unfolding it. what was he expecting? he was expecting very hurtful words.

he sighed deeply, nervously biting his lip. he didn't want to read it, he didn't want to break down. he knew he had to get closure so he just gave up and read it. 

to dream,

your letter was weird. a lot of things in it didn't make much sense. but ignore that for now, I want to write something to you.

i've been debating this for a while. I wasn't sure if I should bring it up but I didn't want to lie, I don't like lying. you see, ever since you started writing to me, i've felt different.

I really enjoyed writing to you, you are interesting and mysterious. I found myself being consumed with thoughts about you. i've never felt this way before, i've never even had a serious crush on someone before.

but, I really like you. I want to get to know you more, writing to you doesn't really cut it for me. if you feel the same way, i'd like to go visit you.

I know it's crazy since it's so sudden and we don't know each other or anything of the sort but I think that'd a cool experience and i'd like to know you as a person.

if you don't feel the same way, which is fine, you can just ignore this and you don't have to reply back. I just thought maybe this could work out if I put effort into it.

thank you for being a great penpal, you were so sweet and polite the first you sent me a letter. these letters take time to get from the uk to the us and vice versa, so I was always waiting like a puppy at my door. I was always patient, I was always happy to receive your letters.

it first started off as me thinking you were very friendly, but I eventually started taking your friendless as flirting, which made me even more nervous to send you a letter. I then realized the reason why I was so nervous was because I found everything about you attractive, I started to grow feelings for you.

I thought it was me liking you a lot as a friend, but then I started thinking about you in scenarios that were romantic like picnic dates and sweet things like that. I fell for you, like a moron.

I like to imagine you're like the sun, and i'm the clouds. I like to think we compliment each other. I like to think that we are together in another world.

I can't contain my feelings, I can't seem to do anything right. I'm so sorry for doing this to do, i've probably made you so uncomfortable. I didn't mean to, this was just as crazy for you as it is for me.

I just think that we could be cool together. you and me.

you don't have to accept anything, i'll understand completely.

thank you again and i'm sorry.

much love, george.

dream stood frozen, waves of emotions crashing down on him. his eyes well up with tears as he gets the closure he'd been wanting for what felt like years. george liked him as well, he really did. he felt relieved, he was filled with joy. he felt complete.

he rushed to grab a sheet of paper and a pencil. he started scribbling his letter to george. he wanted him to know immediately what he felt.

to george,

when I first matched with you, I thought it was a cool experience to have. I thought we'd be good friends, that when we got close enough maybe we'd meet for the first time.

I like to think that if we lived in the same place, we'd be really close. we'd be inseparable, we'd be the best pair the world has ever known.

I think you're an amazing guy, george. I know almost nothing about you, we live far away from each other but I feel so connected to you,

you're who has been clouding my mind for days and days on end. you're everything I want.

I like you too. I have been trying to deny these feelings because I didn't think you'd feel the same. I feel so joyful, you have no idea. I was only imagining this day to happen, now it's real,

we can meet whenever you want, i'd be completely down to do anything with you. I think we'd be great together, you're something special.

i'm glad I was able to get closure on something that was eating at me for so long. this was not what I was expecting, I am in complete shock still.

thank you for being so adorable, it made me fall even harder.

maybe this is the end of our story, maybe this is all i've ever needed.

I really like you, I really want you.

you're everything i've ever wanted.

with much needed love, dream.'

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