Finding Ersalin and a plan

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Shadows POV

All right so Me and moltis I have figured out that eras Did indeed Fall through portal And we figured out where she ended up M is going to stay here I am going to go through the portal and find her and bring her back hopefully M. said he is staying here to make sure everything doesn't go to hell At least while I'm gone He's going to check up on Jon and molten to see how they're holding up They were some of the most affected After what happened to bryan Jon mentally at least He's doing a bit better In that regard Molten is just always on edge Though Lefty seems to keep him calm I heard something weird from John Though apparently there's this person Who wants to take the CEO position Now Jon nor Molten Will let this happen willingly I met this person once when I was at Jon's office I don't like her She just doesn't seem right and I have a feeling if she gets her hands on that position The fazbear name will never be the same again But enough about that I have to get ready 

Shadow: M I'm going to get ready to go to the portal 

Moltis: Okay just be safe

S: I will don't worry about it

 Puppets POV ( Authors note just in case you're confused this is the puppet shadow brought )

I volunteered to go to the place that bryan was after we figured out where he was I went there and decided to keep an eye on him That is at least until shadow can get here He wants to talk to Brian to see what you remembers So we have to be careful Or well I have to be careful I don't wanna be spotted I've done stuff like this before so it probably won't be that hard to find a hiding space or multiple hiding spaces I watched a Brian make friends with the other animatronics It was nice he even made friends with the guy who worked there It was nice seeing him happy considering before everything went to hell I had seen him happy quite a few times especially when Freddy talked to him Or any of the others about just random stuff and not what was going on  There was a sewer under this place at leads outside and All over underneath the mall It was quite interesting bryan was very curious to find out if there was anything inside there To be quite To be quite honest I was as well I got a message from M saying that shadow went through the portal They found a way to get to ersa She is in a different world they say though that it should only take a few days to find her

Ersalins POV

Okay so I need to figure out where Mr. Afton is I mean I hadn't switched the portal  Settings so is this the world he's in these are the coordinates from when he was Sent threw does that mean he's here Maybe this is him at this Maybe this is him at this address it would explain why every time we sent 1 of the others through they turned human so maybe he's Human here It would make sense   Okay deep breath knock on the door that's all you have to do. ( Knock knock )

???: I'll be there in just a sec

Ersa: Okay okay you can Do this You can find it oh god I hope it's him

???: ( Door opens ) yes?

Ersa:   umm Mr. Afton? 

Mr. afton: huh?! Ersa! What are you doing here how are you not dead?!?

Ersa: I don't know okay  The place blew up and I'm guessing I was thrown Through the portal And I ended up here I don't know how I'm not dead

Mr. afton: Okay what was the 1st thing that happened to you when you woke up

Ersa: I woke up in a hospital bed And this doctor said oh good I was awake And after he Little while I was allowed to leave the second I left the hospital these 2 little kids came up and hug me I'm guessing they were yours or yours from this world I don't know and then miss Afton talk to me And apparently they found me somewhere near 1 of your pizzerias and they thought you had something to do with it and then I asked if I could see you and she just gave me this address and now I'm hereAnd

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