The interview

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Bryan's POV

I wake up and look at m clock and see that it's 7:30 PM 

Shi- i forget about the interview Ugh what happened?  Wait that's right i Passed out  but Wait how did I pass out?!

( A Knock on the door )

Bryan: COME IN

Jon: Jeez no need to yell 

B: oh Jon it's just you yeah?

J: well some Person showed up earlier saying they were here for an interview We told him to come back around 8:00 PM 

B: What it's 7:30 PM I gotta get up and get ready!

J: Whoa whoa calm down you still got time

B: Right right I still got time I need to calm down and Breathe Okay I just need to get ready

( After getting ready 7:50PM )

B: alright I'm ready to go I should probably get to where I said I'd meet them 

( 8:00 PM )

???: Hey Bryan

B: oh hey Shadow

Shadow: so Should we get on with the interview?

B: oh yeah let's go 

( A few hours later 12:00 AM )

B: ok so that's The entire park Any questions?

S: ah nope so what now?

B: well I'll Have to go over your qualifications We can go to my office for that

S: alright lead the the way

( At Bryan's office ) 

S: All right here you go all of my qualifications background check everything

B: ok let me see



Night guard





Name: Shadow.k.nightmares

Age: 30 

Height: 7'2 ''

Gender: male

B-day: sep 30th

B: ok Well everything looks in order But who is this? ( Points to photo And information )

S: oh That's my best friend most of these jobs you have to have someone to contact in case something happens 

B: Oh right well what's his name?

S: oh his name is Moltis

B: Oh that's an interesting name

S: yeah He likes it though so that's just what i call him Because his real name is pretty common so he doesn't use it much

B: Oh then what's his real name Well if you're okay with telling me

S: Oh yeah I can tell you he just doesn't use it His real name is Davis It's kind of common so he doesn't use it much when he was younger he ran into a bunch of people with the same name so that's his nickname Moltis 

B: And where is he does he have a job?

S: Uh well no he's looking for 1 currently just like me His qualifications are similar to mine We grow up together and did a lot of stuff the same so yeah 

B: Well if he's anything like you then he could work here with you

S: That would be amazing really Like you mean it if so  I can talk to him and we can start

B: ok Uh what day is it?

S: uh Saturday 

B: alright then you guys Can't start on Monday 

S: alright All talk to him and we'll see you on Monday

B: ok bye 

S: bye Bryan 

( With Jon Davis and molten )

Davis: Well him and his friend seem quite fit for the job

Jon: Yeah they do but how long will they last

molten: Probably not long With me around especially

J: Molten you are not allowed to scare them off it's hard enough to find good help these days anyway Without extra interference

Molten Freddy: Well that's quite rude 

D: It may have been rude but Jon is right You scaring them off 

J: well now we just have to wait and see how long they last

M.F: fine i guess I won't mess with them ( to much )

D: I heard that

M.F: yeah soo?  You Want to fight me?

D: I'm not Scared of you any more you burnt pile of spaghetti

J: Girls girls you're both pretty now stop

( Molten Freddy and Davis Is shook 😐 )

J: Thank you now can we get back to Business please and thank you 

Ok ok i know I've been posting a lot Lately but It's just cause I have the motivation

Bye my demons 💙😈

709 Words

Bryan AftonWhere stories live. Discover now