Freddy Bonnie Foxy and puppets backstory's part 2 Final

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F is for foxy

F.F is for Freddy fazbear 

Ok on to the story ( ZOOM )

Foxy's POV

Ugh where am i? And why does my face hurt?

???: Hey are you ok? 

Foxy: aye i be alright hm? Who are ye?

???: Um i Think my name is Freddy what's yours?

F: oh I'm Pretty sure my name is foxy Foxy the pirate fox nice to meet you freddy

F.F: yeah you to 

???: Ahhhhhh!!

F: what the hell was that?!?

F.F: I don't know but we should probably go check 

F: aye aye Captain 

( In parts and Service )

???: Why the hell do i look like Bonnie?!?

F.F: um hello?

???: AH! Oh hell you scared the crap out of me ~Phew 

F: we didn't mean to Scare ye lad what be ye name? 

???: My name is kody 

F.F: huh? I thought it was Bonnie 

Bonnie: well yes but when i was alive it was Kody 

F.F: Ugh wait kody!! What happened!?!? Where are we?!? And Where is Fritz and Calvin?

B: Whoa whoa calm down i Don't know Where Calvin is But fritz Is right beside you he's foxy Well I think he is it would make sense foxy was his favorite like Freddy was your favorite and Bonnie was mine 

F.F: yeah i guess that makes  sense so what do we do now?

B: well 1st we should try and get Fritz memories back 

F.F: yeah let's go 

F: oh! What Where ye to doing?

B: hm? Oh yeah we were just talking about some things so do you Remember anything before waking up?

F: aye i remember a light and pain and then i woke up and met freddy and you does that answer ye question?

B: kinda hey Does this picture mean anything to you ( gives him picture )

F: huh? Wait that's me best friends! Wait where are they!?

F.F: whoa whoa calm down it's us We're here it's okay it's me and kody  

F: ( hugs them ) how did i forget about you guys!?!?

B: hey it's ok we all didn't Remember things right but we'll get there now we have to find out what happened to Calvin 

F: shit Do ye think he ended up like us?

F.F: he very well could of He was with us Unless he got away Which there's only 50-50% chance that He got away or he ended up like us 

B: well then let's see what we can find out

( a few months later )

B: god we still haven't gotten any Clues as to what happened to us and Calvin 

F.F: Well we know who killed us There is that right?

B: yeah we have that Ugh!

F.F: hey what's wrong?

B: hm? Oh yeah my arm is Being a little wonky 

F: aye i have that to! 

F.F: yeah and my left eye is going out to 

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