Meeting with Jon

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Bryan's POV

Ok so Jon wanted to talk to me today I wonder what he wants to talk about it's probably about my paperwork and how lazy I've been but he doesn't seem to understand that I've been busy but I'm use to no one seeing that I'm busy but on well  

( 30 minutes later )

Jon: hey Bryan

Bryan: Oh hi Jon and Davis

Davis: hey 

( Little while of talking later )

J: oh i almost forgot i brought some drinks if your Thirsty 

B: oh yeah sure 🙂

( About 3 minutes later )

B: oh i feel dizzy 

J: are you ok Bryan?

B: y yeah I'm fin~  ( passes out )

J: Whoa ( catches Bryan )

D: ok so now what?

J: we take him to his room

( At Bryan's room )

Jon's POV

D: oh well he's in his room now what?

J: well he needs to sleep and when he gets enough sleep then we'll how he's doing

D: ok but i have a question

J: go ahead my friend 

D: how did you do that i mean make him pass out?

J: oh that was easy i slipped a sleeping pill in his drink when he wasn't looking why?

D: just wondering 

J: oh and you can come out now

R.F: finally so what do you guys think he'll react when he finds out that I'm fixed/back to normal?

J: honestly i don't know we'll have to see

M: hey you guys you might want to see this

( At Jon's office ) 

J: ok so what did you want we to see? 

M: this ( points at  Monitor )

D: huh that's a person

J: yeah but how and why is it here?

M: i don't know i was just Checking the cameras and saw them 

J: hmmm? Maybe we should go talk to them and find out why they're here

( At Where the person is )

J: Excuse me may I ask what you're doing here?

???: Oh hello there I'm here for the interview 

J: Interview what do you mean?

???: Oh you must not be Bryan I'm here for an interview with Bryan For a Position at this theme park

J: you might have to come back in a few hours He's kind of busy right now

???: Oh okay that's fine I'll be back around 8:00 PM then

J: Sure that sounds reasonable I'll tell Bryan you stopped by And tell him that you'll be back around 8:00 PM

???: Okay thanks you're a lifesaver Because I needed to do this and then do something else I guess now I just have the other thing to do Tell him I'll see him at 8:00 PM

J: Sure thing

J: well Now we have that deal with 

D: They don't seem as bad as some others 

J: True like that 1 guy that went crazy after you put on the fredbear suit 

M: Should I write down 8:00 PM someone will be here for an interview so we can watch them?

J: yeah do that would ya 

D: Well now all we have to do is wait 

Hey Everyone I hope you enjoy this new page A my story I will see you guys in the next part Oh and don't forget if you have any questions feel free to ask 

Bye my demons 💙😈

572 Words 

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