Freddy bonnie foxy and the puppets backstory's part 1

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The art above is mine 

Bryan's POV

So it's been a few days since the Originals and the puppet got here and everything has been pretty good Considering everything else so i Figured I'd ask them about their past a little bit i hope the things i want to ask aren't to personal well let's go find them 

( After finding them )

Bryan: hey guys how are you doing today?

Freddy: hm? Oh We're okay  how about you?

B: oh I'm doing good thanks! 

Foxy: aye That be good lad 

B: so i wanted to ask you guys some things about your past if that's ok

F: hmm? I guess I'm ok with that go ahead hit me

B: ok wait where's puppet?

F: hm? Oh he'll be here any minute go on

B: ok so first question are you guys dead or Are you just Sentient?

F: yeah we're dead we died a long time ,

B: oh I'm sorry i asked 

F: no it be alright lad ye Where just curious it be alright ^_^ 

B: ok second question are you guys friends with shadow and Moltis?

The puppet: yeah we are 

Bonnie: oh puppet your just in time! Bryan was asking some questions 

T.P: oh well then please Continue I'm listening  

B: ok 3rd question I'm sorry if i upset any of you with this one but do guys know who killed you?

T.P: I'll answer this one ( Sigh ) yes we do and no we're not happy 

B: can you say their name?

T.P: yeah sure why not ( Mumbles )

B: I'm sorry what?

T.P: it's name was Randy 

B: huh?!? 

F: hm? What? Did you Expect someone else?

B: yeah well kinda?

T.P: you expected us to say William Afton didn't you

B: a little yeah 

F: here let me explain what we mean oh! You might want to get Comfy this could take a while 

( After getting comfy )

B: alright I'm ready 

F: ok so it was about 30 years ago 

( Flashback )

A Authors note 

Ok names

Foxy: Fritz 

Bonnie: kody

Freddy: Fredrick

The puppet: Calvin 

And When they're talking 

F is for Fritz ( foxy )

K is for kody ( Bonnie )

F.D is for Fredrick ( Freddy )

And last but not least C is For Calvin ( the puppet )

And yes these are the names of them it's my AU so it can be whatever i want them  

Bryan AftonWhere stories live. Discover now