Visiting Ersalin and helping her out

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Listen to the song as you read I just added it for background noise

Bryan's POV

Ok today I'm going to check up on Ersalin and catch her up on everything going on at my place and see what's going on at hers as well i hope she's been doing good 

( A few hours later at Ersalin's place ) 

Ok let's go in and find out where she is

( A little bit later )

Bryan: hey Ersa! 

Ersalin: AH! Oh Bryan you scared the crap out of me but hey 

B: haha I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you that badly how are you?

E: well I've been better 

B: hey you ok? You don't look so good 

E: yeah well kinda Things have been pretty bad here Lately 

B: oh no like what do you Need me to get Jon over here or-

E: no not Jon maybe you can help Instead I'd rather you do it 

B: oh ok well What do you need me to do then?

E: Okay so things have been weird around here And Springtrap has gone missing and The portal logs don't say that he's been in or out in a long time and we couldn't find him anywhere on the property and as you know none of us can leave it even  The only thing That signifies anything leaving That I'm not aware of was the misfire And glitch trap said That it was just something springtrap had on a timer

B: hmm? That doesn't seem right I mean I don't know him that well but that doesn't seem right especially not for him You even said that he said he couldn't leave you here otherwise he feel guilty He said he'd help So anything else you can tell me that would help?

B: hmm? I have an idea anything else?

E: yeah There is 1 more thing So the same day That The misfire happened Was the day Something gave me a really good dream and I wasn't acting like myself I was smiling in the others were scared of me Sort of and I wanted to use the sewing machine and make a purple outfit I wouldn't never even on my deathbed wear a full purple outfit and you know that you're a fashion expert!! I'm sorry I'm just frustrated

B: no no don't worry it's fine Can I see the portal logs? well the misfire to be more specific

E: oh yeah sure go ahead Do whatever you need

( Around 12:00 AM )

B: ok so I've got coordinates to where the misfire was shot So I could Go through the portal and go to that place and see if anything's there or see whoever is there if they got anything on their side

E: Yeah okay that's fine You might wanna hurry though It's about midnight And they may not have murderous tendencies anymore I'd still be careful

B: All right I'll head through the portal I'll draw energy from my portal so it doesn't drain yours so you can use it for the others When you need it okay?

E: ok see you later i guess

B: ok 3..2..1!! Whoa!

( In the other world with Bryan )

B: whoa I'm dizzy now where am i ?

???: Who's there? 

B: oh god don't hurt me! 

???: I wont if you tell me who you are

B: oh I'm Bryan nice to meet you ^_^ 

???: The hell? You have really bad mood swings

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