The 3 originals and someone else

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Here's a hint to the someone else character See if you can guess before you read 

( 🎧🎶🎁 ) Can you guess without reading the story 1st? 

Bryan's POV

Ok I'm finally done Setting up the originals that shadow and his friend brought over And there's 1 more space laughed I guess I'll have to get another animatronic soon then 

Wait oh! I have to call them and tell them I'm done Setting up the animatronics 

( On the phone with Moltis )

Moltis: hello?

Bryan: oh hey Moltis it's me Bryan I was just calling to let you to know that I finished setting up the animatronics so whenever you guys can you can come over and see them 

M: hm ok we'll be there in About an hour sound good?

B: yup Perfectly fine with me see you guys in a bit 

( After Hanging up )

Ok they'll be here in an hour 

Oh! I should tell the others About the new animatronics 

( After gathering everyone At the new stage )

Rockstar.Freddy: ok So why are we here? Bryan

B: ok well i have something to show everyone ( god They're gonna hate me for this )

( Pulls The curtain off )

B: sooo? 

Jon: Okay #1 where did you get them #2 are they like the others like sentient #3 When did you have time to do this

B: well #1 I got them from those people I hired #2 I'm not sure yet I haven't fully checked If they were I'm surprised they haven't done anything yet and And #3 I've just done a little bit here in there Oh! Also I have a surprise

molten.Freddy: And what would this surprise ? Hmm?

B: you can come out now!

( Fixed twisted foxy walks out )

Twisted foxy: what do ye all think?

Twisted bonnie: omg! Your fixed you look amazing foxy

T.F: aye thank ye Bon 

T.B: no problem ^_^

R.F: wait you fixed Twisted bonnie and twisted foxy all by yourself?

B: yeah i did actually 

R.F: wow you did an amazing job 

B: R really? You mean it?

R.F: yeah he looks He was never even Twisted at all 

B: t thanks freddy ^u^  ( omg Freddy actually gave me praise eeee I'm so happy )

( When shadow and his friend showed up ) 

Shadow: hey Bryan so is this the stage?

B: hm? Oh yeah it is 

M: hm

B: what?

M: oh just this is a very well made stage did you do it yourself?

B: um mostly i had a few people but otherwise yup all by myself 

M: that's pretty impressive 

B: thanks oh and also there's one more spot on the stage it was Built for 4 animatroincs so yeah 

S: hm should we?

M: hm we could 

J: hm could what?

S: ha Bryan allow us to Introduce the puppet he was an Animatronic That was supposed to be in the second location but the Just kept him in storage instead And put the marionette In the second location 

B: WOW how did you get him?

M: well They're actually just gonna scrap him so we Offered to take him off their hands 

S: puppet How about you introduce yourself 

Puppet: Greetings my name is puppet I am a child entertainer at Freddy's Fazbears Pizzeria 

B: hm? ( I guess he's not sentient like the rest ) well nice to meet you puppet I'm Bryan 

P: Greetings bryan it's nice to meet you ( Bows slightly ) 

B: heh that's kinda cool 

P: hehe 

J: what did he say?

M: hm? Puppet could you repeat that

P: haha I'm i can't 😂

J: what the hell is going on?

B: oh! Your Sentient aren't you

P: Indeed I am bryan but in all Seriousness it's a pleasure to meet you 

B: heh you to puppet so wait dose that mean the others are Sentient to?

P: yup As sentient as they can get guys you can cut the act it's fine 

Freddy: ahh Finally I've been standing there for hours I hate playing the lifeless  animatronic 

Foxy: aye me to Captain 

Bonnie: ( Falls off stage ) ahh! ( Hits ground And then gets up ) I'm o ok Promise 

P: are you sure?

B: yup 

F: Bon ye are an Idiot 

B: yup sure am 

S: I'm sorry about them They haven't got out in a while so They're all a bit grumpy 

B: That's fine I'm used to it so you Knew that the animatronics here we're sentient 

S: hm? Oh yeah i did actually Animatronics were sentient have a spark in their eye That's how you tell the difference between a sentient animatronic and a normal animatronic

B: hm? I'll have to keep that in mind  

M: Yeah knowing that can come in pretty handy  

B: ( Looks at time ) oh shot I didn't realize what time it was 

S: hm? ( Looks at watch ) Oh shoot we gotta go We had something to do after this see ya later Bryan 

B: oh yeah see ya later Oh and the animatronics can stay here If you want 

S: That be great see ya later

B: well that was an exciting day well if you guys Want to explore or talk to the other Animatronics go ahead I'll be in my office or room 

hey guys i hope you liked this part of my story  and i hope all of you are enjoying the story so far if you have any questions please feel free to ask 

Bye my demons 💙😈 

944 Words

Bryan AftonWhere stories live. Discover now