Jon Visits Ersalin

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Jon's POV

Ok i can do this she won't be that mad will she? Oh god Who am I kidding she's gonna be furious with me it's been months since i last Visited her ( hell All Mighty she's gonna kill me 😓)

Balloon Person : Hi Jon 😋

Jon: Hi balloon do you know where Ersa is?

B.P: oh yeah she in Springtrap's Office why? 

J: i need to talk to her 

B.P: oh ok well be careful 

J: why? 😕

B.P: well she Sounded pretty mad when she talked about you last 

J: oh well I expected that see you later balloon

( at Springtrap's Office ) 

J: huh?

Foxy: I wouldn't go in there If I were ye lad 

J: why?

F: well Mr.Afton Might tear ye apart

J: I'm willing to take That risk I need to talk to Ersa

F: alright it be ye Funeral lad 

Davis: Jon

J:  OH hell Davis you scared the hell out of me!?!!😤

D: sorry and sorry I'm late 

J: it's ok just come on 

D: wait that sounds like Bryan 

J: huh? Wait it does but what What he be doing here? 

D: i don't know

J: let's Listen 

D: alright

( With Bryan and Ersalin )

Ersalin: so you Fixed bonnie and Jon was surprised That you did it so fast?

Bryan: yeah Pretty much 

E: well that does sound like him 

B: yeah it does That's why I wasn't surprised when he asked how I did it in such a short amount of time 

E: hahaha yup that's Jon for ya 

B: so what have you been doing Lately? Like Anything interesting happen

E: No not much We got cupcake And Charlie through the portal and It didn't explode so that's a plus 

B: yeah I guess that is a plus So where is springtrap?

E: We have no idea The portal shows he hasn't left through there So we'll have to check the whole pizzeria Or maybe figure out a way to leave the property I have no idea we've been trying to figure out for a few days now

B: Wow sounds like you've got a lot on your plate How is that glitch in your head? 

E: Oh Him he's actually been a great help with the portal he can see Springtrap's memories So he knows how to operate the portal pretty well He only has control over my hands and feet everything else Is in my control My words my thoughts All that stuff 

B: Wow I don't even know what to say about that So he sort of a Good guy now?

E: Not Necessarily But he does want to help So are you going to repair foxie next?

B: Oh yeah actually I just have to find him first I don't know where he is I haven't seen him in a few days And also I need to talk to Lefty about a few things 

E: well I know this might be a weird question but you seem a bit tired lately last few times you visited me are you getting enough sleep? I mean not to be rude but you look like death

B: Oh yeah I believe it and no I haven't been getting much sleep with the paperwork And everything else I just have been stressed so I haven't had enough time to sleep much

E: Is that all it seems like there might be something bigger?

B: ( Inhales) Sigh okay there is something else but you can't tell Jon about it Okay?

E: I swear I won't tell Jon or Davis or anyone else that would get it to Jon I promise Cross my heart ❌❤

B: Okay so I've been having a lot of ( Okay so I've been having a lot of nightmares lately And not the normal kind like falling off a cliff or stuff like that So it's like my worst fears come to life Like I fear that John will become something like the afternoon for Maher world was or You'll end up dead And all those crazy and something bad will happen to me Ended getting killed or something And the worst 1 is is that something keeps chasing me and like bites me I don't even know if that's the right way to describe it Tears me apart I don't know how to describe it

E: wow You've been going through all of that and haven't told anyone?!?!? Bryan that's bad You need to tell someone

B: Just did And it's not all of them there are these creatures they look like the 1 that chase is me almost But they're nice to me like they help me give me hints tell me where to hide I don't know why 1 of them looks like the original puppet From the 1st location Like Freddy fazbear's pizza

E: So it looks like the puppet? Right

B: yeah It does So what do you think?

E: Well have you tried to confront the creature that chases you like Stand up to it say you're not afraid of it?

B: Yeah I have but it doesn't work it doesn't hear me I've tried about I would say 20 times Well give or take

( With Jon and Davis )

D: holy shit did you Hear him How did none of us notice he was going through something like that?!?!?

J: Oh god I have no idea I didn't think he was going through something like that I've been such a horrible person to him and little diner right under my nose He was suffering in that way I I should have stepped in Sooner Maybe we should tell rockstar freddy about this?

D: Well I don't think that's a good idea he's been not himself lately I've been watching him and he doesn't act the same especially after rebooting him With the memories from the cloud Maybe we should try and figure out what's wrong with him before we tell him

J: Okay then who else can we tell maybe molten I don't think he would tell anyone there Isn't Really anyone to tell anyway 

D: Yeah and we should probably get out of here before someone notices us Or worse Brian and Lindsay 

J: Yeah let's head back to the theme park see if we can find out what's wrong with Freddy So we can tell him and maybe he can help us

( With Bryan and Ersa )

B: Well I should probably start heading back to the theme park it's getting late 

E: Yeah you probably should but make sure to come and visit again okay

B: Yeah I will and if you need thing just call or text me You have my number stuff still right?

E: Yeah and I'll make sure to do that see you next time Bryan

B: Yeah you too bye 👋

i know it Took forever to get the next part up but here it is hope you all enjoy it 

And if you guys Have any questions don't be afraid to ask just ask in a comment and I'll Respond to the ones I can without giving away too much of the story 

Bye my demons 💙😈

Shadow 💙😈

1220 Words

Bryan AftonWhere stories live. Discover now