chapter nine, midnight air

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Ranboo POV

The night grew as the wind chilled the air. The world was cloaked in darkness with the only visible light from the bright white moon. I strolled along the wall doing my routine night patrol. My droopy eyes searched the wall searching for something out of the ordinary. I've never liked nighttime patrol. My hybrid powers feel stronger and more powerful at night. My enderman half is tamer during the day while at night it fights for control. I continue searching the night when I find a weird figure. I slow my steps preparing to grab my sword. The figure is curled against the wall facing away from me staring into the moon.

"Hey Ranboo," the figure greets without moving.

I panic a little shuffling backward. How does he know it was me? He didn't even turn his head. "How did you—" I question.

"Your footsteps. Oh sorry, my bad. It's just me." Tommy turns around his now blue eyes sparkle in the moonlight. He has a slight smile plastered on his face yet his eyes feel saddened. "You have a strange name Ranboo. If you add one letter you could be called Ranboob. That's funny," he laughs softly.

Tommy feels different. More childlike at most. It's strange. When I first met him he was very skittish and serious. Now he's acting more childish and silly. My eyes scan him as I notice Tommy holding a small box with a dead moth inside.

"What's with the dead moth?"

Tommy looks down at the moth. His expression turns to a frown while he holds the box tighter. "This was Clementine. He was my friend. I found him dead an hour ago." He turns his head looking back at the moon before looking back at me.

His pet died? I pause as the awkward silence engulfs the conversation. What am I supposed to say?

"W-well maybe since you lost a friend I c-could become your friend or s-something?" I stutter. Tommy looks at me confused. I groan. "Uhhh. I guess what I mean is we could be friends."

Tommy hesitates like he's thinking it through. "Are you trying to replace him?" he cries. He moves away from me with a worried expression.

"No no-no-no. That's not what I'm saying. I was just thinking that maybe I could be your friend?" I hold my hand out to him.

Tommy states at my hand perplexed. "Friends?" he questions. I nod my head at him. His wistful eyes rest on my outstretched hand. "I mean. Sure I guess."

A smile grows on my face as we shake hands awkwardly. I let go of his hand and sit beside him on the wall. "So, what are you doing out here anyway?"

Tommy stares at the moon while white floods his eyes. "I was feeling a bit... homesick, so I decided to get some fresh air."

"Well, what do you miss about it?" I ask.

Tommy shifts uncomfortably. "I mean, I miss my bed, my house, and..." he trails off. "I miss my older brother."

"You have a brother. That's cool. What's he like?"

Tommy hesitates for a moment. "Where do I start? He's brave and talented. He's constantly throwing himself into risky situations and always wins. Not to mention how much he cares for me and—" Tommy's bright smile disappears. "Sorry I'll stop rambling."

"It's alright, I don't mind," I reassure.

Tommy's eyes soften resting in the moon. I notice his face scrunch slightly. "I miss him," he mumbles his voice cracking.

I rest my hand on his shoulder. "You can go visit him if you'd like. Heck, you can go home whenever you want. You're not required to stay here."

Tommy crumples like a piece of paper. "I wish I could stay here."

I feel a burst of energy. "Then stay. It's as simple as that. Techno and Wil already love you and Phil will come around eventually. I'm sure they wouldn't mind you living here."

"I wish it were as simple as that," he mutters.

"Why isn't it that simple?" I interrogate. The midnight air brushes against my fingertips. I wait for a response but I don't get one. "What's wrong?"

Tommy smiles with a sulk. "I like it here. I do. That's why I'm going to enjoy it as much as I can while it lasts." He sighs. "Life moves on, people don't."

My mind buzzes with questions but I know none of them will get answered. This is my second time talking to him, I don't think we're on the tell-each-other-your-whole-life-story part of our friendship yet. Maybe another day.

Tommy stands up brushing himself off. "I should get back to sleep."

I raise an eyebrow. "Want me to come with you."

"Nope, I am a big man and I can do it by myself. I know exactly where I'm going thank you very much," he smirks confidently. He spins around and starts walking.

"Wrong way," I point out.

Tommy's confident smile becomes an embarrassed frown. "I knew that."

I laugh as he walks across the wall to a spiral staircase, walking down the steps disappearing from view. I smile. I don't have many friends so it's nice to gain another even if he is a bit peculiar. My smiles disappear as I realize I'm supposed to be on patrol. I shake myself up sprinting down the wall continuing scouting.


I lay down on my squeaky bunk bed. The walls were a little dusty and cobwebs sprinkled the corners but I don't mind. If I wanted my room to be clean I'd clean it. Working as a knight means I live in the small rooms they provide. I'm just grateful to have a place to sleep. I'm supposed to share a room but Technoblade requested for me to have my own room after his little brother disappeared. I stretch my arms across the bed. It's always nice to lay down after a long day of work. I close my eyes for a second before remembering about my memory book. I stretch my arm to the floor picking up the book and a pen. I gently open the book flipping the next clean page.

Hello Memory Book,
          Today was nothing interesting, mostly just guard work stuff. Actually, something interesting did happen at night. I was talking to Tommy on the roof. He told me all about his older brother and he sounds like an awesome person. Tommy also said he likes it here but sadly he can't stay. He didn't tell me exactly why but it's obviously serious. I'll talk to him about it when he's ready because that's what friends do right? Anyways, I'm sleepy. Goodbye Memory Book.

I close the book and toss it on the floor. I throw myself into my pillow closing my eyes.

Word count: 1150

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