chapter eleven, bloodlust voices

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Technos POV

My boots click against the floor as I walk along the long hallway. My eyelids droop from exhaustion. The attack on the castle yesterday has everybody on edge questioning the safety of the castle. My mind is on something else. Why would the Dream Team attack us? Especially when we're out on a business trip. I think it's a rather odd coincidence that they attacked us while we were gone. But why wait till we're gone? What did they want? I've known Dream for a while and I know for a fact he isn't a materialistic person. So what could he possibly want? I shake the thought from my mind. I need to stop overthinking these things. I continue my walk down the hallway towards the medical wing. I have a raging headache and I don't want to risk it. I arrive at the medical wing hearing a crunching plastic sound. I slow my footsteps investigating where the sound came from. I peek through the half-opened door expecting to find some sort of raccoon. Instead, I find Tommy sitting in the corner next to a bowl of candy and a pile of wrappers.

"What are you doing?" I ask. Tommy jumps burying himself in the corner. His eyes widen as worry fills his face. "You good?"

"I'm so sorry. I wanted to grab a few candies because they tasted really good but I got carried away. I swear, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry I—" he rambles.

"That's fine."

"W-what?" he stutters.

"It's alright," I comfort. I reach my hand towards him to pick him up off the floor but he raises his arm in defense like I was going to hit him. A huff of breath escapes me as I hold myself back. I want to ask him what's going on and help him but Wilbur would kill me. He'll break down if I ask him what going on. I hate it that the best I can do for him is give him space and wait till he's ready. "Have you eaten any real food yet?"

Tommy hesitates, biting his lip. "No."

"Come on, let's get you something then," I announce, my hand still held out. Tommy grabs my hand and I pull him up to his feet. I wrap one of my hands behind his head squeezing him into a hug. The poor kid deserves one. I rest there for a minute feeling Tommy's guard slowly unravel melting into the hug, my ears flopping down. I release Tommy walking towards the door while he trails behind.

Together, we walk down the hallway to the kitchen. We arrive at the kitchen swinging the door open. "Hey, may I please get the usual?" I ask. A cook turns to me nodding their head before running off. I turn my attention to Tommy. "Alright what do you want? You can get anything."

"Anything?" he responds. His eyes widen grabbing onto my arm, sinking his head into my shoulder.


"Chicken nuggets," he confidently giggles.

I feel my mouth drop a little. I turn my head to look down at him as he clings to my shoulder. "You can have quite literally anything to eat and you want chicken nuggets?"


"Ok," I sigh. "Chicken nuggets, please. Tommy's smile widens nestling his head deeper into my shoulder. His small heartbeat vibrating against my arm. I feel myself tense up a bit as my heart dissolves. Fuck, this kid. "Come on, we have to go to the dining hall."

Tommy groans, "Fine." He grabs onto my arm while I drag him to the dining hall. Tommy let go of my arm running off ahead towards the dining hall laughing. I remember when I used to run to the dining hall. I remember always being the fastest getting at the dining hall first. I even remember Wil always being salty coming in second place. A smile settles onto my lips thinking of the distant memories from a long-forgotten past. It's strange how much can change in four years. I arrive at the doors of the dining hall finding Tommy with a confused look on his face.

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