chapter thirteen, snowy forests

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Tommy's POV

"You're a liar." I pause. "I never told you my name was Tommy."


Skeppy locks the door with a click. Trapping me. The room stands still as if time stopped. I regret calling them out on their fatal flaw. It might've been easier if they didn't know I was aware. My eyes scan the small house searching for an escape. Bad lowers his hands looking at the floor, his face darkens with a creepy smirk. "You're smarter than I thought you would be."

I grit my teeth. Smarter than I thought you would be? Is he calling me stupid? Why is he acting as we've met before? I'm sure we haven't, so why is he acting as he has. "What do you mean? Who are you?" I growl.

Bad crosses his arms leaning back giving off a relaxed expression. I admire his ability to stay calm even when his plan goes wrong. "Nonetheless, you're quite reckless and vulgar," he confesses. "I mean, I didn't completely lie. My name is BadBoyHalo and this is Skeppy."

"Yeah, you make it seem like we're bad people. We just need you to stay here for a while, " Skeppy shrugs nonchalantly.

"Stay here a while? So this is a kidnapping, you guys are kidnappers, " I holler. I back away from Bad eyeing the door Skeppys guarding. I clutch my wounded arm with the cloth thinking of a plan.

Bad pouts, "You're being dramatic. We're just getting you back to your family. Your brother."

"What? Why would you do that?" My eyes widen as Bad laughs.

"He's a very powerful man, your so-called brother I mean. It'd be nice to have a favor from him."

"So you're selling me? I'm a hostage?"

"You ask so many questions," Skeppy complains shifting his eyes away from me. "Plus, you act like you don't want to see him."

"You act like this isn't against the law. You can't keep me here forever."

"We can do what we want. If I were you, I'd make this easier on all of us and keep quiet," Bad whispers resting his arm on my shoulder threateningly. His warm breath lands on my neck sending a shiver down my spine. I snap my hand slapping his hand away, launching it away causing him to stumble backward.

"No," I growl. "You underestimate me."

Bads hand hovers over the red mark on the other. "What the fuck?" Skeppy scowls stepping towards me. Bad waves at his causing Skeppy to return to his position guarding the door.

There it is. That's my way out.

I cross my arms. And here I thought they were strong, guess I was wrong. "Fuck you," I curse.

"Hey, language. Watch your tone," Bad scolds.

"Or what?" I egg on.

Skeppy and Bad visibly get increasingly more frustrated. Smoke practically steams out of Bad. "You little brat," Bad insults. He swiftly lunges towards me trying to grab my arms and restrain me. In one swift motion, I grab his arm, flipping him in the air, and bringing him to the ground. In the same motion, I kneel next to his body on the ground holding onto his wrist while discretely cracking my knuckles.


"Bad!" Skeppy screams frantically running over. In his pocket, a pair of keys slip out while he's running.

Perfect. I mean, I could snap his wrist but I'm not that evil. Although he may have a concussion from me throwing him on the floor. A blood-lusting smile grows on my face. I feel a little regret for not snapping his wrist. I should've snapped his arm as well. I should've grabbed a knife from the kitchen to kill him. I could kill Skeppy too, leave the oven on and burn... NO. I don't want to be like that. I don't want to be that person. I don't want to be the version of myself I hate most. I notice Skeppy in the corner of my eye running towards me. I slide under his arm grabbing the keys with my hand. I scramble to the door with keys frantically trying to unlock it.

"You psychopath! Bad are you ok? I swear to the gods I'll kill you," Skeppy cried holding Bad in his knees.

I harshly closed my eyes ignoring him. I'm not a psychopath. I know I'm not. I'm just... not. I spin the key around the lock trying to unlock the door.

Bad leans up rubbing his head. "I'm fine," he assures. "Just get him."

My eyes widen. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Not right now. Please, not right now. Skeppy turns to be as Bad slowly gets up. I continue to fidget with the lock. The key clangs against the keyhole as I get more desperate.


The door unlocks. I twist the door handle shoving the door open sprinting out the door. The temperature of the cold air floods me. My feet crunch against the snow. The wind flows through my air hair and legs as I take off. I hear screams behind me but the world I couldn't care less. I won't look back. I can't look back.


Minutes turn into hours. Skeppys word run through my head. I'm not a psychopath, but am I? The sun lowers while the snow grows thicker. My breath grows heavy. I clutch my wounded arm tugging on the cloak. My eyes droop. I'm so tired. I want to lay down on the ground and give up but my legs don't allow. The grip on my fingers weak as I struggle to keep going. My eyes droop lower and lower slowly giving in. I feel my conscious give out while my hands and knees weaken. Just a little break. Only a few minutes. Just a... wait. I notice a light in the distance. A light? My weak legs keep moving towards the light. My body carries itself toward the light. Upon investigating the light source I find a house. I stumble back at my discovery. Last time I entered a cabin in the middle of these woods I almost got kidnapped. I debate for a moment as a huge gust of wind blows on me causing a large shiver to jolt down my spine. Guess that makes my decision a little easier.

I push the wooden door pressing against the perfectly carved wood. The warm air consumes me giving me a feeling of comfort. I like this house. The house is very elegant mostly made of wood and stone. I kneel brushing my hand against the fluffy green carpet on the floor. It feels like one of those cute fluffy sheep you'll find grazing in a field. I shift my attention to the rest of the house continuing for exploration. Small drops of blood occasionally drip from my arm but thanks to the cloth I shouldn't bleed out for now.

I walk through the living room and dining hall before stumbling into the kitchen. The kitchen is made of quartz and wood with plates covering the counters. Red stone dust litters the floor as I try to avoid not slipping on it. I flick through the cabinets lining the walls above the counter searching for something to eat. This may be the only chance I have in a while to eat some food and there's no way I'll be able to run anymore on an empty stomach. After flipping open drawers I find a big loaf of bread sitting in the corner of a cabinet. I reach my hand in retrieving the bread resting it in my arms as if it were a baby. The warmth of the bread buzzed as I took a heavy sniff enjoying the nice smell. I shift my hold on the bread opening my mouth to take a big bite. I crunch down on the bread loaf, it tastes pretty good. Usually, it would taste a lot better but I've already gotten too used to expensive food from living in that castle for as long as I did. My teeth chomp down on the crispy bread enjoying the food while it lasts. 

"Finally back," a man groans pushing open the door.

Fuck! They're home. What's that stupid fairytale parents tell their kids? Goldilocks lock and the three bears? Yeah, that's exactly this. I hear the man's boots stomp rattling the ground. I panic knocking over dishes nearly slipping on red stone dust. "Who's there?" the man asks. I hear a sound of a sword clinking. I duck under counter clutching to the loaf of bread for dear life like a koala. The man enters the kitchen as he walks around examining the crime scene. I hold my breath squishing into the corner underneath the counter. His golden boots walk past me shaking the ground beneath me. He passes me giving me a moment of relaxation. I feel a breath of air escape me in relief causing the man to double back. My eyes widen while fear paralyzes my entire body. His golden boots step backward as he slowly kneels to my eye level.

Fuck my life.

Word count: 1521

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