chapter four, mysterious boy

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Technos POV

"You alright?" I ask.

The boy's face drops into a fearful expression. The back of his eyes full of pain and tiredness frantically race everywhere. His breathing is heavy and his knees are shaky. Wait, why is he wearing a muzzle? What happened to this kid?

"It's going to be ok," I reassure him. I step forward in an attempt to help him.

The kid immediately steps away. He pulls out a netherite sword. How can this kid use one of those swords? How did he even get one in the first place? The kid tightly grips the sword. "Listen, chill out ok? You're going to end up hurting yourself more like that."

The kid swipes his sword at me. I swiftly grab my netherite sword to block it. The kid stumbles back a little from the block. He grips his sword tighter. "I'm not going to hurt you, I just need you to put down the sword," I reason.

The kid once again attempts to attack me. He swings his sword from above. I easily block but the recoil causes him to fumble backward and fall against the stone ground knocking him unconscious. This isn't good. Who even is this kid? "Wilbur? I need your help."

"What happened," Wilbur asks frantically running over.

"Well, the kid started attacking me, and then I-"

"You knocked him out? What were you thinking? Why does he look so beaten up? Is that a fucking muzzle?" Wilbur panics. Wilbur sits beside the kid taking off the muzzle and checking the damage.

"What are we supposed to do with this kid?" I mumble.

"Was anybody nearby when you found him?" Wilbur asks.

"Nobody besides the people beating him up."

"My god, the poor kid. We should take him back with us."

"We can't take him back with us while he's unconscious. That's like kidnapping probably."

"Well, we can't just leave him here."

"He probably didn't come here alone. I mean he's still a child, someone's probably looking for him."

"Night is approaching fast, we can't leave him here overnight. Let's just take him with us."

"Fine," I sigh in defeat. "There's an inn nearby we can stay at."

"Perfect, I'll get the kid." Wilbur stands up carrying the kid in his arms. Wilbur let out a few grunts from carrying the limp child but luckily our horses were very close by.

"Yo Carl," I whisper to my horse.

Carl gives a little neigh in response. I pull myself onto the saddle. I pat the side of Carl's head. I turn to see Wilbur grabbing his reins with the child behind him wrapped in a cloak. The kid has his head leaning against Wilburs back as he peacefully breathing in and out. It's kind of funny how calm he is only minutes after he tried to kill me. "You ready?" Wilbur inquired.

"Yup," I respond popping the p.

I snapped my reins as I rode along the path in the woods causing the village behind to slowly disappear. The clatter of horse hooves fills the area while the leaves gracefully glide from the treetops. The sun quickly began setting as we raced against it



What was that? I tug the reins as I spun around. The wind sends my braided hair flying behind me as I turn to see what happened. I discover the child attempting to scramble onto his feet off the ground. He kicks against the ground and dirt to get away but ultimately fails. I slide off Carl towards the kid. With every step, I take the fear grows in his eyes. "You're going to hurt yourself," I warn.

The kid continues to scoot away on the ground fear overflowing his face. His breath is heavy and quick as the kid struggles to breathe. He extends his shaky knees and legs attempting to stand up. After using all his strength the boy manages to stand up. He reaches for his sword but it causes him to stumble backward. He falls backward onto his outstretched hand. What is wrong with this kid? My walk quickens towards the kid. He starts frantically kicking his feet against the dirt to getaway. I near the kid and kneel near him. "Listen, I understand you're scared right now but the night is nearing. There's an inn on the other side of that hill that we can stay at. All I need you to do is have a little trust in me." I reach my hand towards the kid.

The kid stares at me deeply almost searching for an answer. He looks unsure as to if conflicting with himself. He tugs the cloak closer around him. He closes his eyes for a second before accepting my hand. I gently pull us both to our feet before leading him back to our horses as Wilbur trails behind. The boy rubs Carl's chin. Carl looked very pleased by this pet. Carl rested against the boy's forehead as the kid pulled away. I heave myself onto my saddle preparing my reins. I feel the boy uncomfortably grabbing onto my cape as I grab onto the reins preparing to head off. I glance over at Wilbur who gives me and look of approval. I respond with a silent nod as we make the final stretch of our journey. Carl gallops as the world passes by quickly.

A cozy dark oak inn comes into sight. It has a homely look to it. In the corner of the building is a cobblestone chimney with fluffy gray smoke pouring out. There are large detailed windows with warm yellow light streaming out. We swiftly drop our horses off at the stable attached to the building before entering the main building.

I pushed the open as the bell chimes signaling our entrance. I hold the door open as Wilbur walks in followed by the kid shuffling behind him. I let the door swing shut as I join Wilbur and the kid. The door lets out a large noise causing the kid to jump. Wilbur leans his arm on the counter. "Hello, I would like to rent a few rooms."

The innkeeper gives out a cheerful smile. "Of course your highness, " the kid's head snapped towards the innkeeper. "I have two rooms left if you would like. It would be ten gold coins per room."

Wilbur gave his signature charming smile. "This should cover it, " he whispered dropping a large pouch filled with gold coins that shimmer in the light.

The innkeeper's eyes lit up after seeing the pouch. The innkeeper places two keys on the counter as Wilbur slides them into his hand. He began walking to the stairs. After a few steps, he pauses looking back at the innkeeper. "If you can, try not to spread the word of this visit. I don't think this kid wants to get bombarded with questions. You know how people are."

"Of course your majesty, "he nods.

Wilbur turns back around and starts climbing up the stairs. I look over to the kid. He has a shocked look on his face. He gives me a shaky nod and we both follow Wilbur up the stairs. The stairs loudly creek after each step filling the entire stairway with an annoying screeching sound.

We, at last, reach the rooms. "Alright, since there are only two rooms you'll share with me Techno," he declared. He then knelt in front of the kid and drops a key in his had. "If you need us we'll be just next door."

The kid gave a sheepish nod in response his face flustered. I watch as the kid carefully opens his door silently shutting it behind him. I give a heavy sigh. "Today has been one hell of a day."

hello guys, sorry it's been a week. I had midterms and a lack of self-confidence in my writing. ill try to make sure I post at least once a week. love you guys <3

Word count:1312

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