chapter ten, secret bookshelves

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Tommy's POV

My arms stretch out as I let a long yawn. My eyes flicker open, the light blinding them. I flip back over on my bed tiredly. I sit there for a minute with my mind blank contemplating getting up. I groan launching myself off the bed to standing up. I slouch my shoulders, noticing a closet door half-opened full of clothes with a note.

Since you don't like my style, you can pick out your own clothes  -w

A soft laugh escapes my lips. I'll never have to wear that itchy shit again. I pick out a red oversized jumper and grey joggers. This works. It's not the prettiest but it feels like a cloud. Next to the note, I notice a glass of water and a piece of buttered toast. I pick up the toast and hesitate for a moment before throwing it in the trash. I'm not hungry anyway. I grab the glass of water and walk over to my bag grabbing a pill. I throw the pill down my throat chugging some water to help it go down. What do the pills do? I know they're important but how are they important? Better not risk it. I sit down on my bed sipping on the water when a gentle knock hits my door.

"Come in," I shout.

The doorknob shakes as Ranboo walks in. "Hey  Tommy, what's up?"

I set the glass on the nightstand clashing against the rough wood. I flop myself back into the bed recoiling me back slightly. "I'm fine. What's Wilbur and Techno doing?"

Ranboo scratches his head. "They're both out on business or something. Can't remember the specifics but they should be back by tomorrow. They asked me to keep you out of trouble," he announces.

I groan rolling over on my side. "I'm not a kid, I don't need a babysitter."

Ranboo rolls his eyes. "It's not babysitting. Why don't we call it two friends hanging out?"

"Fine," I whine. "What are we doing today anyway?"

"That's up to you."

"I don't know," I complain slamming my face into a pillow. I don't even know what there is to do much less what I want to do.

Ranboo clears his throat. "Well yesterday you were talking about your home so what do you usually do at home?"

I think for a moment. I don't actually do that much interesting stuff. "Well, mostly just training and studying."

Ranboo narrows his eyebrows. "That sounds unimaginably boring," he responds. "Studying is like reading. I guess we could go to the library."

I don't move. Maybe if I sit here long enough he won't make me get up. I feel Ranboo glaring at me.

"Come on, you can't lay in bed all day."

"Watch me."

Ranboo pulls me out of bed dragging me out of the bed and onto the floor. I yawn and complain before finally getting up grabbing my bag.

"Come on, let's go," Ranboo declares.

I mutter a few complaints while he drags me out the door. "I know where I'm going, I got this." I confidently march down the hallway.

Ranboo snickers, "Wrong way."

A wave of embarrassment hits me. "I knew that."

I follow Ranboo down the hallway. Winding down the endless halls. I swear, one day I need to learn the layout of this place. Last night, it took me an hour to find my room. It was not a fun night. My boots tap against the floor with each step echoing against the floor. A few maids scurry by giving me a weird look. Huh? They whisper aggressively to each other while running past me. I attempt to wave my hand to them but after moving it close to them they moved away like I was some rabid animal. I bite down on my lip. Just ignore them.

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