New Years Eve

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*New year's eve*
Your first Christmas with Nat as your girlfriend just went by. This year had gone past in a blur and parts just seemed so magical. You remember coming back. You remember your heart breaking as you saw Nat's scars but showed her it will be ok. You remember the homophobic guy at the park, the only one that ever seemed to have a problem with your relationship. You remember the fun you and your girlfriend had up to your birthday. Your birthday was the best day in your existence and nothing could change that. Well maybe something could, you thought. Your thoughts were interrupted by Millie pouncing on your feet. You look under the table. Millie was now full grown despite being only a year old. Her coat was fluffier for the winter. She looked up into your eyes and mewed. She still had her kitten mew, you giggled. She ran off after some sound from outside and started attacking her new scratching post you bought for Christmas. You go back to eating and get lost in your thoughts. The months between your birthday and Christmas went by so quickly you felt saddened that time went out the window.

Lunch was done and everyone had moved to the lounge and you joined in the conversation of what had happened in the past year. Tony stood up and cleared his throat. "Guys, Pepper and I have an announcement." The whole room goes silent. Tony opens his mouth to speak again but gets interrupted. "I'm pregnant," Pepper says. Chaos erupted. There were many "Oh my god! Congratulations!" But Peter's voice broke through, "YOUR REPLACING ME?" he cried in despair. Everyone laughed at that. Tony came and wrapped Peter in a hug. "No, you could never be replaced," Tony mumbled. Peter hugged Tony back. You didn't want to outshine them by asking Nat to marry you but, you really wanted to ask her. Later you tell yourself. Everyone was so excited about Pepper being pregnant and after alot of reassurance Peter was delighted.

You were about to head off to your room when Nat stopped you. "Come for a walk," she looks onto your eyes. You smile and nod letting Nat pull you away by your hand.

I had a surprise for Y/N. But I wanted to do it without everyone in Avengers tower. I went over to Y/N taking her hand. "Come for a walk," I say. I'm rewarded with a smile and she nods so I pull her into the elevator as we head outside. "Where are we going?" Y/N asked curiosity filling her voice. I looked at her. "It's a surprise," I tap her nose which makes her giggle.

I keep guiding Y/N along through the crowded streets, everyone getting ready for the new years count down. I find the gates to the park and head through those. I sit Y/N down on a park bench and sit down next to her. There a few people waking by but I ignore them. I get down on one knee and hold her hands in mine. "Y/N," I start. Oh god, I think. What if she's not ready for this commitment? I push the thoughts out of my head. I start again. "Y/N. You mean the world to me. I love you," she smiled at those words. "I- I want to live with you for the rest of my life. I never want to let you go." I hear people in the distance shouting "10...9...8..." I take a deep breathe. "Will you marry me?" I ask. Y/N's eyes shine bright and her smile grows. "Of course I will!" She answers. We both stand up. And as I hear people shout "1" we kiss. There are loud cheers. It's like they are celebrating us, which makes me smile. People in the park clap there hands and we pull apart. Y/N getting shy. She's so cute like that. I wrap my arm around her waist and walk home. "I have a ring in ny pocket." Y/N tells me. She pulls it out as I grab mine. We smile at each other and exchange rings and place them on our fingers.

Back in Avengers tower everyone is happy and partying, there are drinks and snacks. "Do you want to join them?" I ask Y/N. "Sure, why not." She looks up at me. Y/N's once beautiful hair was growing back. Hydra had cut it all off and it had become oily and it was kinda gross. But I helped Y/N restore her hair. It had grown past her shoulder and had it's cute little curls coming back. Another bonus she didn't look as much like her twin, Bucky anymore. Y/N looked away, removing her bright eyes and adorable freckled face. Every time she looks into my eyes, I melt. I love her to bits and never want to leave her. "Babe?" Y/N turned back towards me. "Nat?" I couldn't make myself respond. Y/N started clicking her fingers, then clapped her hands as loudly as she could. That snapped me out of it and gained everyone attention. Y/N's shyness came back. "Sorry guys," she giggles nervously. "Nat are you alright?" She turns back to me. I smile, "Of course I'm alright." Y/N smiles shaking her head slightly. "Come on, I'm going to bed," she says. I follow her happily.

In bed, Y/N and I snuggle. It's cold so we wrap the blankets tight around each other. Millie comes in and pushes herself under the covers between us. Y/N strokes Millie's fluffy coat smiling and lost in thoughts. Millie falls asleep purring. Y/N looks at me and smiles before placing her head down, closing her eyes and falling asleep. "I love you," I whisper, falling asleep myself.

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