Christmas Day

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I woke up to Peter running down the halls like a little kid screaming "IT'S CHRISTMAS GUYS GET UP!" I couldn't help but chuckle a little. I had nothing to give any one and again I felt the guilt of not buying presents. I went to the lounge and sat on the couch this time. Christmas was about friends, family and happiness. I didn't want to ruin that for everyone.

Peter finished his rounds of yelling and came into the lounge and saw me sitting on the couch. His smile brightened and he came and sat on the couch next to me. "Merry Christmas Nat," Peter said to me. I ruffled his hair, "Merry Christmas Pete." At this point every one else walked in and they smiled at the scene they saw. Tony and Clint smiled the brightest.

The giving of the presents began and I sat there smiling at what people where getting. Tony had given Peter a frame with a photo of them together, Vision got Wanda a heart locket, Bucky and Steve got each other their traditional Christmas sweater. Clint whispers to Bruce who nods and excuses himself. He comes back with a cardboard box with holes. He comes towards me and puts the box down in front of me. "For you, from all of us." Bruce explains. I look at them, "aw guys I didn't get you anything." They assure me it's fine and encourage me to open it. I look at the box and open it. Big shiny eyes look at me from a cute fluffy face. It's a kitten. It mews at me and I pick her up. She's tortoise shell, I see the ginger, browns and black running through her coat. She brings up one of her white paws and touches me. I bring the kitten in close. "I- guys thanks. I-I don't know what to say." They all smile at me. Tony looks at Peter who understands and gets up Bucky helps him and they grab a couple other presents and bring them back. "For you and the kitten." Bucky smiles at me so I open them up. A scratching post in one, a few toys in the next, a litter tray and the last one is a little collar with a bell. "Guys," is all I say before I get up and hug everyone. I clip the bell collar around her neck but loosely. "So do you have a name?" Pietro asks me. I look down at the kitten. "She looks like a Millie." I say and pick her off the floor. "Food and litter is in your room. We snuck it in last night." Tony tells me. I nod in thanks and get the litter tray organised for some training, I also bring the bowls I found and the food. I take everything to the lounge room and set food and water. I grab tiny bits of chicken to train Millie. Every one smiles at me and leaves me with Millie.

They didn't ask me to come to lunch but they asked me to come to dinner. Millie followed and meowed at my feet and chewed on my socks until I left dinner and took her to my room.

I missed Y/N but Millie was a good idea. A distraction a loveable pet to make me feel better. I wanted to buy some treats and a cat carrier but I would have to wait a couple days for shops to be open again. I close my door so Millie won't get out and she jumps onto her cat tower scratching post and snuggles in. I pat her between her ears and get into bed. Once settled she jumps onto my bed with me and falls asleep with me.

I wake up the next morning feeling great. No nightmares. Millie was scratching at the post and I glance to see she had used the kitty litter. I open my door and pick Millie and the toys up and take her into the lounge where everyone is already there. It's alot brighter outside then I had expected. "What time is it?" I ask. Steve looks at his watch, "it's just past 11 am." Woah I slept in. I put the toys and Millie down and I play with her for hours and hours until she falls asleep on my lap.

I hadn't realised I had fallen asleep but I was in Steve's arms, he was carrying me to bed and Bucky was next to him carrying Millie. They put us down in bed and I fall back asleep.

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